· Ellery, William (one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence)
· England
· English
· Eutaw Springs, Battle of
· Zane, Elizabeth (American heroine) · Zweibrucken Regiment
I am very sorry but i dont know the answer to that question. maybe you could look it up in a dictionary and see if you can find any. Olive Branch Petition
what are some words that start with the ltter M. thank you
· Ellery, William (one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence)
yes war
Boston Massacre
no i belive theres not
American revolution or Benedict Arnold
Olive Branch Petition
· Independence · Independence Hall (Philadelphia, PA)
i could not find any but in my abc book i used xtrodanary
Some words that start with "ex" and relate to the Revolutionary War are "execution," "expedition," and "exile." These words could be associated with key events and actions of the Revolutionary War era.
· Uniform · United States
Olive branch