Xavier Court is the name of a street in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Xebec Way is the name of a street in Raleigh, North Carolina.
No. There are no cities in North Carolina that begin with letter X.
There are two US state capitals that begin with R. They are Raleigh, NC and Richmond, VA.
X Ray Drive is the name of a road in Gastonia, NC. Xienghone Road is the name of a street in Mt. Gilead, NC.
* Yoder, WY * Yonkers, NY * Yoakum, TX * Yachats, OR * Yamhill, OR * Yoncalla, OR * Ypsilanti, MI * Yuma, AZ * Youngstown, OH * Yadkinville, NC * Yanceyville, NC * Youngsville, NCYakima, WashingtonYazoo, MississippiYuma, ArizonaYoakum, Texas.Yorba Linda, Yountville, Yreka , Yuba City, Yucaipa and Yucca Valley in California.
Xanadu Drive is a street in Asheville, North Carolina. Xanthacarpa Court is a street in Apex, North Carolina.
Zebulon, NC
Queens University of Charlotte is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Quiet Cove is the name of a street in Fayetteville, NC. Quitman Trail is the name of a street in Raleigh, NC.
Queens University of Charlotte is located in Charlotte, NC. Queens Road is the name of a street in Charlotte, NC.
No. There are no cities in North Carolina that begin with letter X.
· Burlington is a city in North Carolina
Rochester, NY Rochester, MN Raleigh, NC
· Asheville, North Carolina
Well Sneads Ferry NC starts with an s.
Mark Ingram, Sr. (former New York Giants wide receiver) is from Gaston, NC
Raleigh, NC has a street with the name Xebec Way. Asheville, NC has a street with the name Xanadu Drive.
The Hunger Games are being Filmed in Henry River, Nc Ashville ,NC and other places in North CArolina
Indian Trail is a town in North Carolina. It begins with the letter i.