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Q: Are there any pinball games for xbox?
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Any Pinball on PC?

There are many, many pinball games on the PC, just search for pinball game on google and you'll find a bunch of them, both for free and to purchase.

Can you get Pokemon pinball for DS?

The Pokemon Pinball games were only for the GBA.

What games can be played with coins?

Pinball games Video Games. air hockey So basically "bar" games, video games and pinball machines.

Can the xbox 360 games be played on the xbox360 elite?

Yes. you can play ANY xbox 360 game on ANY type of xbox 360. you can also play original xbox games on the xbox 360. (but you have to have a hard-drive to play original xbox games on the 360)

Can you play American Xbox games on your new zealand Xbox?

yes you can play any xbox or xbox 360 games in zealand but you cant play on xbox live :)

Do any Xbox 360 games require Xbox live?


Is there any way you can play Xbox 360 games on Xbox?

yes there is

Can you play Xbox games on any Xbox platform?

most games you can play but mostly the new games also you should have a gold Xbox live membership and when you do make a account and sign in to Xbox then it should update your Xbox which should let you play most Xbox games on Xbox 360

Can Xbox 360 play Gauntlet The Dark Legacy for Xbox?

any xbox 360 plays all xbox games This answer is pure bull. No, you cannot play all Xbox games on a 360. The list of compatible games is here:

Are there any volleyball games for the wii?

No, but there are some Xbox games.

Wil my Xbox 360 play Xbox games?

A long time ago, you could only play some xbox original games. Now, I believe you can play any original xbox games.

Can Xbox 360 play Xbox games without any adaptations?
