Yes there are other Online Games similar to Roblox, here are some of them:
1. FreeRealms
You can build houses, collaborate with friends, and play many mini games. It is a role-play type game, similar to WOW, but with a cartoony feel to it. A membership is required to use most content.
2. Blockland
Blockland, as opposed to having free game play with optional paying memberships, requires you to pay 20 dollars for a lifetime membership. Blockland, however, also allows you to download a demo to show off its features. It's is a building game not unlike ROBLOX.
3. Garry's Mod
This game is M for Mature and requires another SourceMod game (I.E. Half-Life 2, Portal, Team-Fortress 2, etc.) and is more "free" than ROBLOX is, in terms of adult themes. I do not recommend it if you're a young'n.
However, if you are able to play it, it' an excellent game. It has better physics simulations than ROBLOX (most of the time) and is a bit harder to mod things on it, but once you get the hang of it, it's fun. Garry's Mod (GMod) uses LUA coding like ROBLOX does, so it's easy to migrate.
4. Atmosphir
Atmosphir is a building RPG not unlike FreeRealms, except it is much more building-oriented. You can create your own levels to have others play on, create dynamic characters, and a few other things.
It's a beta, though, so the game really isn't all that stable. In the time I was testing it I had it crash on me a few times.
5. minecraft
Minecraft is a building atmosphere you can play single player or multiplayer.
Try Minecraft.
There are many games similar to Blockland. Such as Roblox and Minecraft.
Partially yes and partially no, Roblox is a massive multiplayer online gaming site. Roblox is very similar to Minecraft.( Roblox came out before Minecraft ) You don't need to download Roblox to make an account. Although if you want to play games or make a game using Roblox Studios you must download the Roblox player. You can simply download Roblox by clicking play on any Roblox game.
There is no way to hack Roblox Admin games. Hacking games on Roblox is against the sit's Terms Of Service. Attempting to hack any Roblox game can result in a ban.
There are games similar to Roblox, but none of them are free. You may want to try Runescape or World of Warcraft.
Try Minecraft.
There are many games similar to Blockland. Such as Roblox and Minecraft.
Partially yes and partially no, Roblox is a massive multiplayer online gaming site. Roblox is very similar to Minecraft.( Roblox came out before Minecraft ) You don't need to download Roblox to make an account. Although if you want to play games or make a game using Roblox Studios you must download the Roblox player. You can simply download Roblox by clicking play on any Roblox game.
Google flash games. You'll get quite alot of websites to play online games.
Only world of warcraft.
There is no way to hack Roblox Admin games. Hacking games on Roblox is against the sit's Terms Of Service. Attempting to hack any Roblox game can result in a ban.
There are The Sims Online and The Sims Carniva, both online Sims games that are similar to Animal Crossing.