There is a new Pokemon game coming out soon, which is called 'Pokemon Platinum', the sequel to Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. Giritina is in its reverse world form, shaymin is in its sky form, and there is an entirely new plot in Pokemon Platinum.
Yes sly 4 will be coming out soon
I have watched some pokemon episodes and movies on and it seems safe. I haven't had any viruses or any other problems on my computer since watching the pokemon episodes and movies so I think it is safe to use. Don't go on it if you still have doubts, but it seems safe to me. Hope this helped.
Pokemon explorer space and time expidition and Pokemon ranger battonage ((Pokemon time and space expidition are already out Pokemon ranger battonage(jap name) is coming out nov. 10th 08' and Pokemon platinum [the sequal to d&P] is coming out early 09')) Pokemon rumble, Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky 2010: Pokemon heart gold and soul silver
no sadly but they will be coming out with Pokemon battle revoulution for ps2 in late 2008 or early 2009 i don't belive there is any sense nindento owns Pokemon and sony who owns ps2 are rivals i doubt there is or will ever be a Pokemon game for ps2 or for any other PS
Pokemon platinum is coming out soon
Toy Story 3
"You Again", and "And Soon The Darkness"
There is a new Pokemon game coming out soon, which is called 'Pokemon Platinum', the sequel to Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. Giritina is in its reverse world form, shaymin is in its sky form, and there is an entirely new plot in Pokemon Platinum.
Pokemon p just came out. but next will be Pokemon mystery dungen explorers of the sky some time soon.
yes the new movie Rio is awsome
No, he didn't appear in any pokemon movies.
No movies will be produced or directed in the future by Nora Ephron. Sadly, she passed away on June 26th, 2012 due to pneumonia.
yes soon in pokemon black and white 2 i think a new dragon type and steel type evee
it takes a long while for any movie to come out on DVD/Blu Ray. the people who make copys of the movies have to make millions of copys, but it will come out soon, i hope!:)
No. Scott Weiland is a musician, and composer, and writes lyrics. He is not in movies, he doesn't act, and he only plays music for a living. This is all true.
there is one movie coming soon im not sure what its called but its an alien force one