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Q: Are there any max iv codes for Pokemon fire red leaf green?
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Can you get Eevee on Pokemon emerald?

No only Fire Red and Leaf Green and trade it from Pokemon fire red and leaf green

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon Yellow and leafgreen?

No but u can get the Pokemon in leaf green in yellow version or u can use gameshark codes like i do with my visual GB search Pokemon leaf green gameshark codes in Google for the codes :P hope i helped No but u can get the Pokemon in leaf green in yellow version or u can use gameshark codes like i do with my visual GB search Pokemon leaf green gameshark codes in Google for the codes :P hope i helped

What Pokemon can you get in FireRed that you cant get in leaf green?

The Pokemon you can get in fire red and not leaf green are Electabuzz and Scyther.

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you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green

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trade from fire red or leaf green trade from fire red or leaf green

Where do you find fire Pokemon in Pokemon leaf green?

you can find them in MT.Ember

Where do you get moltres on Pokemon emerald?

you can't get him on emerald ruby or Sapphire. you have to trade him from Pokemon leaf green or fire red to emerald. on Pokemon fire red and leaf green you get him at the end of island 1.

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Trade it from pokemon fire red or pokemon leaf green

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you can trade with Pokemon leaf green and Pokemon fire red

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fire and fighting

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mysty is only in Pokemon fire red or leaf green

Where do you get Slowpoke in Pokemon Fire red?

You can't catch it on Pokemon Fire Red. You have to trade it from Leaf Green.