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immortal something and trentonmade have the exact layout

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Q: Are there any games like samurai of legend?
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Are they any games like Pokemon?

Legend of Zelda and Dragon Quest

Are there any Zelda online games?

There are no officially licensed online Legend of Zelda games.

Do any Zelda games have blood?

No, The Legend of Zelda games does not have blood

Any games like asda story?

Two of my favorite games are Legend of Edda and Luna Online. They both are anime based games and have much better character customization than Asda. Like Asda they both have quests and monsters to fight.

Do any Zelda games connect?

I think majoras mask comes after legend of zelda.

Who is Nero and where did he come from in the legend of spyro games?

He didn't come from any of the Legend of Spyro games, he's a fan-made character. He was likely made by somebody on deviantart, since that's where he is found the most.

Are there any Zelda games for 360?

No. Because The Legend of Zelda is Nintendo. Xbox 360 is not Nintendo.

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Can you download any Pokemon games or legend of Zelda ocarina of time?

I'm not sure about the Pokemon, but I do know where to get a ROM of Legend of Zelda at. Contact me and I'll give you a link.

Are there any League of Legend like browser based games?

There is at least one (that I am aware of). It is called Adventure Time: Battle Party and it is released by the Cartoon Network. You can find it by clicking this link.

Is there cheats for the Legend of Zelda majoras mask?

no way since are the any cheat codes for Zelda games............never

Any good vba games?

Pokemon FireRed, Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, just to name a few.