There is UbiWorld and OurWorld. But, my favorite is Movie Star Planet.
There's also Fantage, My Free Zoo, SecrectBuilders(Dizzywood), and Monkey Quest.
socio town
there isn't a specific date but it will reopen for USA.But I think not for any other country right now though.
Edit town mode is not in any sims 3 xbox games. Its only on computer.
socio town
clup pengin small town
football players and any sport.
yes there is wizard 101 and pirates of the carrabean thats all i know
club penguin wooz world marapets dizzy world imagine town fantage
Try My Country
Yes, now you can get The sims 3 for ds, wii, and some other systems hope this helps :)
are there any games like frankstown rocks
there isn't a specific date but it will reopen for USA.But I think not for any other country right now though.
have you tried playing any of the harvest moon games you can get married and have children i would recommend rune factory 2 and 3 because you get to play as your child in the second one i loved it
I believe you can find them in any town, at the bars. :)
To get Rare Pokemon is quite simple for me, for I collect rare, go to any town with like a volcano near it or underwater caverns and I guaranty there will be a rare nearby