No. I have been waiting for a Owlient dog game. The only games by Owlient right now are Babydow and Howrse. I have truly fell in love with Howrse,and babydow is an awesome website. If you don't believe me then try it yourself. If you have any questions, friend me on Howrse by the username of charoletteisawesome, or on baby Dow by the name of charoletterox. There is also a Fashiown. but you have to be able to speak French
Okami is a game for wii and PS2 where you are a wolf. Which is kinda like a dog. i think in the zooanimals kinect game for xbox360 you can be a dog. or something like it. or you can look at idevice apps
Foopets, moshi monsters, dog, petzlife. I just wanna play Fantage! add me on fanatge Im:Pearette
wolf quest its really cool i hope this helped also dog and cat breeding games are foopets
No. I have been waiting for a Owlient dog game. The only games by Owlient right now are Babydow and Howrse. I have truly fell in love with Howrse,and babydow is an awesome website. If you don't believe me then try it yourself. If you have any questions, friend me on Howrse by the username of charoletteisawesome, or on baby Dow by the name of charoletterox. There is also a Fashiown. but you have to be able to speak French
Act like a kid and do the puppy dog eyes.
Okami is a game for wii and PS2 where you are a wolf. Which is kinda like a dog. i think in the zooanimals kinect game for xbox360 you can be a dog. or something like it. or you can look at idevice apps
Two really fun websites are and Furrypaws is a dog website and Howrse is a horse breeding website!
sos nothing like it ive seen but if you like wolfquest then try out dog quest hope you do find a game x
Yes There are LOADS type in dog games and they should come up :S
yes puppy luv
You should try these games out, they are like clubpenguin:Horse IsleHworseMoshi MonstersHabboToon TownYoohoo FriendsYou could also try these, they are not like clubpenguin though:NeoPetsTatty Teddys Saving Blue Nose Friends
go to
There is a new game coming out that you can be a stray dog or cat and love dangers on the streets. it is not out they are still making it.