Nope. You can find hacked versions everywhere though, where they changed the prices and amount of money you have.
As far as i can tell, -and I'm very disappointed about that- none. I tried about a dozen of cheat codes without success. Maybe was I not doing the codes properly (I hope so) or the greatest hits version of Crash Bash is really inconsistent with the codes.
No no no no no and i almost forgot no but you can go to arcade prehacks the have the game hacked
The Cheat Engine will damage your computer clearly. If you want to download the Cheat Engine, it is your risk. The computer may crash and unfortunately break.
You want to open cheat engine and select the Roblox App.exe closest to the bottom when you click the computer icon! Then click memory view and make it writable! Now all you do is type in incorect or "corrupt" codes and soon it will say "Roblox has crashed!" (Sorry for bad english)
When you open VBA and it asks you which game to open, click Cancel. This does not close VBA. Go to options of VBA and click Add codebreaker/Gameshark codes(they are unable to be used while a game is on this is why you click Cancel). After you enter the codes click Ok. Then go to Open Roms and choose Emerald. To activate the codes I have found you must press a combination of keys similar to no$gba. These keys are Left and Right Option buttons on the keyboard along with the Left control button. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but it's the only solution I've found. Warning: The codes for Emerald are really buggy and crash the game frequently, by exiting VBA it will remove the codes and your game will be normal. The only codes I've found to work are the Pokemon modifiers on Hope that helps.
As far as i can tell, -and I'm very disappointed about that- none. I tried about a dozen of cheat codes without success. Maybe was I not doing the codes properly (I hope so) or the greatest hits version of Crash Bash is really inconsistent with the codes.
i think
What the cakewalk cheat do in crash bandicoot flash game
Crash codes are used in many hospitals. Crash codes are shelves and drawers on wheels that contain emergency medication and equipment for maimed patients.
No no no no no and i almost forgot no but you can go to arcade prehacks the have the game hacked
The game is not designed to be able to put in cheats. You need to buy Datel's Action Replay if you are wanting to cheat the game. Be aware, however, that some codes may potentially crash your game.
there are not cheat code for happy aquarium. They don't exist. Its impossible to enter cheat codes on happy aquarium.NO!Turtle code 1818mo money code hidden treasurepearl code Arielpeople claim that you buy a "UFO crash" and type it in when an alien pops out but i neither see a UFO crash (only a UFO) nor do i believe them so good luck finding a place to type the stupid things 0_o(ive been searchin all day for others -.-)
Well the game is in beta form, plus there's been a lot of glitches, and it's too early for there to be cheat codes, so I suggest you ask DestinedJaGold about that one. Hope that answers your question. (Plus the glitches along with the cheat codes could possibly make the game's ROM freak out and crash.)
CHEAT OR HACK but dont ur game will crash
The Cheat Engine will damage your computer clearly. If you want to download the Cheat Engine, it is your risk. The computer may crash and unfortunately break.
yes, usually by a cheat or a dsi action replay