treba mi registracioni code za mercenaries2,molim vas
Yes, if you get the new update which is out for ps3..not sure about x box...go on for details
Where you enter cheats in sift heads world act 2 is where you enter cheats you ****ING idiot
yes mercenaries 2 is one of the most awesome games ever
with Microsoft points
Grapple it
In the video game Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, the player can choose to play as three different mercenaries each with a unique ability. The three mercenaries are: Jennifer Mui, Mattias Nilsson and Chris Jacobs.
Cant its impossible
Yes, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames features a two-player online co-operative mode.
Mercenaries 2 world in flames is already out for the PS2 and was released in August 31 2008
agust 31 08
In the video game, Mercenaries 2: World In Flames, many players have difficulty finding General Torres. The location of General Torres in the game is at the mountains, south of Cumana.
No u cannot use cheat codes for ''Mercenaries 2 world in flames'' due to it needing internet connection to be able to activate the cheat code(s).
for the x box and ps3 yes but not for the ps2
yes, there is Mercenaries 2: world in flames (rated T) and The Wheelman (rated T)