The Koopalings are adults, Remeber they grew up in the games as teens.
Ludwig Von KoopaLemmy KoopaRoy KoopaIggy KoopaWenndy O.KoopaMorton KoopaLarry KoopaBowser jr.
Bowser and Bowser Junior are the main ones you'll find. Then there's the koopalings.
Actually Nintendo hid a secret from us and revealed it in 2014 that the Koopalings just follow Bowser everywhere Bowser Jr. Is his only son
Teens to teens. Adults to adults,young adults and elders. Young adults to adults,young adults and elders. ect.
Koopalings was created in 1988.
The 2nd oldest of the koopalings is Lemmy.
The koopalings are not adoppted. They are not bowser's kids.
yes the koopalings along with bowser and bowser jr appear as bosses in the game.
The middle is Iggy.
They are called Koopalings.
Yes. Her name is Bowletta.
No. But it would be really cool if they were. (💔)
You can't. The koopalings are video game characters.
One of Bowser's seven Koopalings (his children.)