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Of coarse not, but not adults either, hense the name "teenager"

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Q: Are teenagers kids
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Is skullcandy for kids?

Skull candy can be for kids, teenagers, or adults, but its target consumers' are teenagers.

How do the teenagers have kids on sims life stories?

teenagers cant have kids butyoung adults can :)

Is Nickelodeon For Kids?

It's for kids and teenagers

Who are blogs aimed at?

Anyone and anything. However, if you blog for teenagers, it's aimed at teenagers. Do you write for kids, it's aimed at kids.

What are the Positive effects of computer to the kids and teenagers?

The kids and teenagers can learn quickly about the method of using a computer, and they can get more interesting informations in the computer.

How are kids different from teenagers?

Well kids know less and teenagers know more. They can also date more often than kids because of the relationship levels. Kids are younger, Teens are older.

Why do kids have to get a curfew and not teenagers?

because kids need to have rules so when they are younder they absorb it, and then when they are teenagers it should come natually for them to go to bed early!

Is bop magazine for kids and teenagers?

It is designed for kids and teenagers but that is my opinion. Adults can read the magazine too. But adults are most likely to read Star and People.

How old are scene kids?

Jus teenagers reaally :))

Are teens still considered kids?

No they are considered teenagers

Do Kids dye hair?

Yes, mostly teenagers.

Do kids dye their hair?

Yes, mostly teenagers.