Quads are reasonably safe for kids older than 5 to ride as long as you take the proper precautions. Get them the proper safety gear, especially a helmet. Depending on their age, make sure they are supervised at all times (children over 13 should be able to ride on their own on normal terrain). A govener, which limits the speed of the vehicle, is also probably a good idea.
No, I have not experienced the thrill of hitting quads over quads in a poker game.
It is VERY SAFE FOR KIDS! Kids love webkinz, they have a clubhouse witch you can chat in but you don't have to go in there.
The odds of one player holding quads over another player holding quads in a game of poker are extremely rare and unlikely. This scenario is known as a "quads over quads" situation, and the probability of it occurring is very low.
There are no cheats for triplets or quads. But it can happen naturally.
No, in poker, a full house beats quads.
Quads are safe for 10 year olds. I must know 30 caring parent who have children playing the quads in a band.
It mostly are battery powered cars that kids can ride on. Even tho battery ride on motocycles exist, cars are far popular. There are different versions that vary between Tractors, Quads or even sportcars.
no because its not safe and its illegal
It is a quad bike rider.
I dont know, but he does love to surf in Malabu
port Gawler motor x park
No, quads are not legal for road use.
If it is electric no if it has a motor yes
Because the airbag could kill them or severely injure them
IF the quad is ment to be a 2 seater, yes. If not, you increase your chances of tipping.
Yes Sally Ride had kids
a sport tuned (vehicle) THAT HAS FOUR WHEELS and you can ride around on it, and it can fit in the back of a truck There are many types of four wheelers but there are some that you can pull trailers with called Utility quads and then you have the fast sport quads