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Well answering your question; sorry in advance for any spelling errors.

I'm severely dyslexic, and not good at count down or those games where you jumble up the letters and have to make long words. I can normally only get a couple or lots of little three letter words, and won't see the links to make bigger ones. For example, if I found the word dad, I would not make a link to see, and make the word daddy, and so on.

Also on count down conundrum, I can't ever work out those anagrams. I only ever see the new words that are there, but none the less I'm quite good at the math on the program.

I know it's not too clear what I'm talking about countdown, but I'm only doing my GCSEs and that was the only thing I could relate to demonstrating my point on dyslexic people; well most, I'm speaking from my own personal experience, that anagrams for dyslexics are quite hard, even though one of the symptoms that dyslexia sufferers complain of jumping, and jumbling letters on a page of text. So, you would assume dyslexics could work it out seeing all kind of words. I wish it were true.

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If you are good at Math, you can still get a high class job such as an accountant nevertheless.

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Try the links below.

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Absolutely! One in five people are dyslexic, so there is probably someone in your immediate family who has some measure of dyslexia, whether or not they have confided in you.

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Can an adult acquire dyslexia?

People do not contract Dyslexia; people are born with it. However, you may be diagnosed with it at varying ages.

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