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Q: Aqworlds how do you change from evil to good for free?
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When you switch to good in aqworlds does your evil reputation resets?

No it does not

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Do you lose your good reputation when you switch to evil in AQWorlds?


How can you become good to evil in aqworlds without paying?

you can't

How can you become good to evil in AQWorlds?

No. You must go to Shadow Fall and click the evil princess, buy contract and you will be evil. You must click switch to evil and if you have contract it should show you -change to evil- I am good before and I try that it work and you must have 100,00 gold to buy it.

What is better good or evil on AQWorlds?

It can be a tough decision but i like evil "fool you cannot kill whats already undead!" -scelpture Well i chose good cuz they always win......

Can you change to evil to good on adventure quest?

Change it Again and again you will be good or evil ^^

Aqworlds storyline good or evil witch is better?

GOOD because it has a bigger better selection of items to buy and most quests are easier. (most items for good and evil about 60 percent or so require membership, ac's, or just good/evil rankings)

Where is portalundead in aqworlds?

chapter 1 then once u finish all the quest you will choose ur path of evil or good

Problem with aqworlds first you were good then you switchd to evil but now you cant switch back to good?

Maybe King Alteon doesn't want you back!

How do you change back to good in AQWorlds?

Buy they contract and you buy it for 100k (What a rip off>_<)

Where is drakath in AQWorlds?

you can't meet him but you can see him in cutscreens! like good vs evil, when some choes beasts are summoned nd ya