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It isn't entirely about battle and ruling, but there is a webisite called neopets which is similar. You have up to four neopets (electronic pets which can get hungry, think and be happy or sad). You can train your neopet to make it stronger, clever and faster. You will have to feed them electronic food to keep them healthy, and if you want to, play with them to make them happy. If your neopet falls ill somehow, you should give them medicine. That's where the neopian currency comes in. They are called neopoints, and you can easily get them by playing loads of good games, stumbling across them or getting them using freebies (freebies are scattered across neopia, you can get all sorts). With neopoints, you can buy food, clothes, toys ect. There is another currency called neocash, which you have to pay real money for. You can only buy clothes with neocash. You can train your neopets to fight other neopets in the battledome. To find links to freebies, good and hard to find games, dailies and neopets events type neo__rainbow (two underscores), click on his shop and click on the dailies link. Visit the website in case I have missed anything. I think neopets is better than evony really, but I haven't been playing evony long. P.S. You can build neohomes, and bottled faeries can bless you neopet and give them abilities. this is a horrible answer dont try that game^^^^^^neopets is nothing like evony at all.empire earth,age of empires, and stronghold are similar games

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