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Q: Any illness that starts with a J?
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Any illness that starts with an n?

Narcotic addiction is an illness. It begins with the letter N.

Are there any activities that starts with the letter J?

jumping jacks...

Any illness that starts with a a?

aids, anorexia, autism, anal warts, asperger's disease

Are there any countries in Europe that start with the letter J?

Jersey is a country in Europe that starts with the letter J.

Are there any actors in twilight who's name starts with j?

Jacob, Jane

A Mario character that starts with j?

No there is no Mario character that starts with a J

What is an island that starts with the letter j?

Japan is an island that starts with J.

What is a street name in the us that starts with a j?

A street that starts with a J is "Jackson street" and "J street".

What artist starts with j and last name starts with k?

j kelly

What major starts with a 'J'?

One academic major that starts with J is " Journalism".

Is there any pasta beginning with the letter H- I- J- K- N- U- W- X- and Y?

there is no pasta that starts with j, k, u, w, x, or y. A pasta that starts with I is Italiana. And a pasta that starts with N is Nuvole.

What criminal charge starts with j?

jury tampering is a criminal charge that starts with "j"