Weights- take away the 'w' and 's' and you get 'eight'- weights
Sixty... when u take 2 letters away you are left with 'six'
The word "sixty."
The answer would be chum, though it is an informal use of the word friend, it works. Take away 'te' from chute and then add a 'm'.
Grasp or seize.
Take one from another scrabble game.
Well, frankly I don't think your friend is good friend if he is trying to take your girl. Maybe you should find another friend who will respect you.
It is called an acronym.
A chute is a feature of rivers. It is a new short channel that cuts across the neck of land separating the two ends of an river oxbow. Chutes form when rivers contain a lot of energy from high volume flow and they cant be bothered to take the long way around. They essentially 'jump the curb' and cut a new short channel, called a chute.
Once trash has been thrown down the garbage chute, it falls into a dumpster. A garbage truck will come once a week to empty the garbage truck and take the trash to the dump.
How long dose it take to get fan letters