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Q: Animals that have double letters
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What is animals with double letters?

rattlesnakebeetledeerbutterflygrizzly bearbass (fish)beerabbitbunnypuppykittenpuffingorillaeelferrethummingbird

What states are spelled with double letters?

The state that is spelled with double letters is Mississippi.

What are words with double letters in a row?

Raccoon is a word. It includes double letters in a row.

What words start with double letters?

Aardvark and eel are words. They begin with double letters.

What are some items spelled with double letters?

Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Tennessee are states that contain double letters. Aardvark, bee, beetle, buffalo, bunny, cheetah, chimpanzee, deer, geese, giraffe, haddock, hippopotamus, honeybee, kangaroo, manatee, moose, parakeet, rabbit, raccoon, reindeer, sheep and woodpecker are animals with double letters.

What animals are 6 letters long?

Some animals that are 6 letters long are:beaverbadgerbobcatcattlecougardonkeyfalconferretgannetgerbiliguanajaguarlizardlocustmonkeyocelototterparrotpuffinpigeonrabbitrodentspongeturtleweevil

Which animals are 6 letters long?

Some animals that are 6 letters long are:beaverbadgerbobcatcattlecougardonkeyfalconferretgannetgerbiliguanajaguarlizardlocustmonkeyocelototterparrotpuffinpigeonrabbitrodentspongeturtleweevil

What is a word with two double letters in them?

Coffee is a word. It contains double e and double f. Address contains two double letters.

What are some words in which one pair of double letters is followed by another pair of double letters?


Animals that have 5 letters and the middle letters are unc?


What is a seven letter word that ends with double letters and has one more set of double letters in the middle?


Which animals have 8 letters and begins with p?

Parakeet, pheasant and porpoise are animals. They contain 8 letters.