There are several animals whose names are five letters long and end in an "e". Some of them are listed here.AnodeCraneEagleFlukeGeeseGooseGrebeHorseLouseMooseMousePeweeSableSkateWhale
5 letter animals that end with the letter e:craneeaglegeesegoosehorse
airedale (dog)
crocodile , beagle , beetle , eagle
Some words that end with LE are:AbleAppleBiblebubbleCablecradledazzledoleeagleexampleexilefablefolliclegablegentleguileholehorriblehustleicicleidlejunglekettleknuckleladlelittlemaplemilemulenoblenoodlepeoplepuddlequibblerattlerolerustlesablesinglestyleTabletripleukuleleunclevegetablevehicleviable.whalewhileyule
LE Lion LE Human
Le Ménestrel ended in 1940.
Le Siècle ended in 1932.
Le Nationaliste ended in 1922.
Le Follet ended in 1871.
Le Banquier ended in 2009.
Le Studio ended in 2001.
Le Vélo ended in 1904.
Le Zombie ended in 2001.