Salvatore, Shane and Shayne are boy names. Sophie, Stephanie, Susie and Suzanne are girl names.
Stoat, Skunk, Shrew, Seal, Sealion
An eight letter word that starts with S and ends with T: satiristshortestsmallestsmarteststagnantstalwartstiffeststridentsubtract
yes eg Ross's
Salvatore, Shane and Shayne are boy names. Sophie, Stephanie, Susie and Suzanne are girl names.
Are you sure it ends in S? I am thinking jail, but if it ends in S it could be mess, pens, cans.
A 13-letter word that starts with "s" and ends with "s" is "schoolteachers."
Stoat, Skunk, Shrew, Seal, Sealion
first names which ends with an s:RossTessCrisKaris
Scissors is an 8 letter word. It begins and ends with S.
Sandman (starts with S ends with N - 7 letter word)
6 letter word that ends in s and is a unit of measurement: ounces
An eight letter word that starts with S and ends with T: satiristshortestsmallestsmarteststagnantstalwartstiffeststridentsubtract