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• Even an institution is born out of a new idea that arises in the mind of one person. He puts it into action and creates an institution. An institution is created when a person comes up with new ideas, believes in himself, embraces the idea and conveys it to others without rejecting it. So “an institution is the lengthened shadow of one person’’

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kaveesha sewmini

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13y ago

Emerson was quoted when writing about "Self-Reliance" that "An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man." What he meant was organizations are shaped by one person, usually the person in charge. This quote by Emerson goes into a rich essay that he wrote regarding how "a man should believe in himself and when a man has an original thought, he should embrace it and make it known to others rather than reject it simply because it is his own and therefore unworthy" (Cummings, 2009). When we think about Emerson's quote and philosophy of what he believed was "Self-Reliance" it can be easily noted that Emerson was depicting what a leader was in his mind.

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