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Socks, shoes

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Q: An article of clothing starting with the letter s?
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What is an article of clothing that is two words starting with W and S?

Waist coat

Clothing brand starting with letter s?

SAS Shoes is a footwear brand. Sergio K is a clothing brand.

What Chinese clothing starts with the letter s?

A sash is an article of ancient Chinese clothing. It is a long strip of cloth worn around the waist.

What is an article of clothing beginning with s?

scarf, shirt, slacks, and shorts

Three letter words starting with s?

Some three letter words starting with "s" are:sacsadsagsapsatsawsayseaseesetsewsexsheshysinsipsirsitsixslysobsodsonsopsotsowsoyspaspystysuesumsun

What is a piece of clothing that starts with letter s?


Clothing that starts with an s?

Sandals, scarf, shawl, shirt, shoes and skirt are clothing items. They begin with the letter s.

When did Levi pstrauss introduced jeans?

They were first sold in the 1920's as work clothing, and became a casual clothing fad starting in the 1930's.

Snake name starting with letter s?

A snake name starting with the letter "S" could be "Sammy" or "Sylvester".

Word starting with the letter s?

Sincere is an adjective. It begins with the letter s.

What is a four letter word for hair or bristle starting with s?

Seta is a 4-letter word for hair or bristle starting with S.

Is there clothing starting with the letter L?

There may be some chothings tha startwith L for large people (no offence to everyone out there) but some clothings mostly start with XS or S