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Q: An 11 letter word for all the water on earth?
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What is Water moving all around the earth is called?

Water moving all around the earth is called the Water Cycle.

What is a three letter prefix for the word all?

The three letter prefix for the word "all" is "mis-".

What is the name given to all of the collective water on earth?

The water in the Earth's surface is called the hydrosphere.

Why is the water cycle impornt to all things on earth?

All living things on Earth need water. The water cycle of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection keeps the water on Earth in balance.

What term is used to describe all of the earth's water?

The hydrosphere is the term used to describe all of the earth's water.

Does all of the Earth's water form the biosphere?

No. The prefix bio- means life. The biosphere is all life on Earth. The Greek prefix for water is hydro-, so the hydrosphere comprises all of Earth's water.

What does the word hydrosphere mean?

The hydrosphere refers to all the water on Earth, including water in oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, and underground water sources. It plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate and supporting various ecosystems.

What percentage of all the water on earth is found in the oceans?

Approximately 97% of all the water on Earth is found in the oceans.

What is an eight letter word and all the letters in the word rhyme with the letter E?


What is a three letter word All Vowels but not using y?

"EAU" is the only all-vowel three letter word.

What is the meaning of the hydrosphere?

Lithosphere is all the land on earth. And hydrosphere is all the water on earth.