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You start with 3 breeds,they are:Siberian Husky,Golden retriever,Chihuahua. Now you unlock the following breeds:Yorkshire Terrier, Boxer,Beagle,Pug,Schnauzer,Poodle,

Now this 1 you use a code for this one: German sheperd. (Not the code to use for unlocking.

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Q: All breeds in dogz pack
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How do you beat petz dogz pack?

you probably need to get all the breeds mixes places and foods to beat it

What breeds can you make in dogz pack DS Can you make Husky Shepard's Can YOU choose which breeds you want to make or does the game do it Can you breed all dogz Please answer all Questions?

You can make all kinds of breeds, but it will take a while for them to breed, you have to get them to be friends first, and then you can make them have sex, then you can make them have puppies.

What are all the breeds in petz dogz pack?

The player starts the game with the choice of three breeds, the husky, the Chihuahua and the golden retriever. Later in the game the player can unlock the yorkie, boxer, German shepherd, pug, schnauzer, beagle and poodle.

How do you unlock the pug in petz dogz pack?

Try breeding a lot of dogs and then pugs will show up at the adoption center.

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You got to give it time. Soon the dogz will get used to the toys and they will play with them!

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Petz dogz pack cheats?

petpetthirsthavfunHere Are Some

Is there a difference between Petz My Puppy Family and Petz Dogz Pack?

Yeah, I bet Petz: My Puppy Family is the UK version of Petz Dogz Pack (US).

How do you get a Boxer in Petz Dogz Pack for the Nintendo DS?

You just breed dogz until you can get a boxer at the Adoption Center.

What are some cheat codes for Petz Dogz Pack?

=Some cheat codes for this game "Petz Dogz Pack" are:=1.aptcay2.petpet3.thirst4.havfun5.hawaii6.dgsrck

What are all the codes for petz dogz pack?

petpet havfun thirst aptcay hawaii dgsrck secret wetvet

How do you make dogs grow faster in petz dogz pack?

take more care of them