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Q: Alcoholic drink beginning with the letter S?
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An Alcoholic drink that starts with an s?

Singapore sling for one.

Alcoholic beverages that begin with the letter s?


A drink beginning with s?

Smoothe and Sunkist.

Is there a drink beginning with s?

yes there is smoothie

Is there an alcoholic drink named monterrey?

Does anyone know if there was an alcohol drink back in around the 80's called Monterey? It is driving me mad!!

What is Harry S Truman's favorite alcoholic drink?

Old Grand Dad Bourbon and Harper Bourbon

Food and drink beginning with the letters e and s?

Food: · eggplant · sauerkraut Drink: · eggnog · Scotch

Alcoholic beverages starting with the letter S?

There are probably a bunch, but two are sake and schnapps

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At what age were people allowed to drink in the 17th century?

In the 1600's water quality was so poor, it was healthier for most citizens to consume alcoholic drink than water. So even toddlers were allowed to consume alcoholic drinks. There were however, some religious communities that prohibited alcoholic consumption to everyone regardless of age.