you cannot install a game with two disks with only the first! all the data in on the second!
number to call for install code for age of mythology the titans expansion
yes, you will. I ve got Windows Vista and I could install it and play it
they made age of mythology titans and then age of mythology gold edition
Yes you can rotate your buildings in Age of Mythology, but you need to download a Mod. Everything you want or need for Age of Mythology is on a site called Age of Mythology Heaven. Age of Mythology Heaven Download Page: Age of Mythology Rotate Building Mod: Copy and Paste the websites into your website search thing. Hope this answered your question.
go to game write age of mythology titans and it gives to cheats
number to call for install code for age of mythology the titans expansion
Yerh, with an illegal crack. USE THE CD
Hi. I dont know how to install age of mythology gold edition with a disc. I press install and nothing happens
buy a new one they are 9.99
you can't
yes, you will. I ve got Windows Vista and I could install it and play it
they made age of mythology titans and then age of mythology gold edition careful about downloading, but most do not have viruses. Mount the virtual disk with a program such as Daemon Tools lite (free) and install.
Age of Mythology happened in 2002.
Are there patches of Age Of Mythology the titans?