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What famous eurpeans exploer gets credit for starting the age of exploration?

Marco Polo

During which years did the age of exploration occur?

The Age of Exploration occurred primarily during the 15th and 16th centuries, starting around the late 1400s and extending into the early 1600s. This period marked a significant era of maritime exploration by European powers seeking new trade routes, territories, and resources around the world.

How did new inventions impact the age of exploration?

It didnt impact the age of exploration

What two items launched The Age of Exploration?

What two items launched The Age of Exploration?

What changed the age of exploration?

The Age of Exploration ended when the undiscovered lands had been discovered.

In what way did the renaissance contribute to the age of exploration?

in what why did Renaissance thought contrubute to the age of exploration?

In what way did Renaissance thought contribute to the age of exploration?

in what why did Renaissance thought contrubute to the age of exploration?

Was leif erikson involved in the age of exploration?

No. The age of exploration came centuries after Leif died.

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What role dide the Age of exploration take play in nationalism

How did the growth of nation states affect the age of exploration?

how did strong nations effect the age of exploration

What is a compound word starting with road and ending with age?


What economic developments took place in Europe after the Age of Exploration?

Capitalism and Mercanttilism took place in Europe after the age of exploration.