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* short * shy * shadowy * shaggy * shaky * shifty * shallow * shameful * shameless * shapely * shapeless * shredded * sheepish * sheltered * showy * shifty * shimmery * shiny * shirred * shivery * shocking (example: Have you heard the shocking news?) * shockproof * shopworn * shoulder-length * showery * shrewish * sharp * shriveled * shuttered * shrewd * shaved (example: a shaved head) * shrill

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Q: Adjectives that begin with the sh sound?
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Some countries that begin with the sound "sh" are: Sweden Switzerland Syria

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Some adjectives that begin with am are:amazingambiguousambitiousamorousamusedamusing

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* loud - noisy; easily heard; intense volume of sound

Ss words that sound like sh Example tissue pressure?

Some examples of words that sound like "sh" are "sugar" and "sherbet." In the case of "tissue," the "ss" sound is pronounced differently than "sh" and does not have the same sound. "Pressure" also does not have the "sh" sound.

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The special sound in she is SH.........

Spanish adjectives that begin with the letter s?

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Which letter makes the sh sound in permission?

The letter "s" makes the "sh" sound in the word "permission."

Which adjectives begin with the word one?

Adjectives rarely have the ability to begin with the word one....I think you got adjectives confused with "Adverbs"....