You can do a craft, or play a board game, draw a picture or color!
ColoringBoard GamesDrawingHomeworkCookingHide and Seek, other games
It is located at your home, when you click on your puffle you go to activities and then the leash will be there.
Playing Solitaire
Nail, narrate, navigate, negotiate, notify and nurse are activities. Netball is a sport.
If you go to: They have a list of the daily activities for about a week in advance. :D
home management activities for patient with low spinal cord injury
what is proper activities
There are lots of activities you can do. You can paint, watch tv, chat with friends. If you want more activities, go on google and search: activities to do on summer break at home.
what is proper activities
The types of activities that Vikings were involved in when they were at home in Scandinavia were things like practicing their tasks such as stealing things.
this is activities done at home that does not involve time travelling.
An activities coordinator plans and organizes activities usually for a nursing home or corporate setting. They can plan outings, exercise and parties.
Day Care Center?
It depends. What do you want to do?
Getting in or out of a bathtub.
I'm cutting paper.
Fundamental reasons did rizal have for returning home