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5 Radical Adjectives that Start with R
  1. Reiterate: Iterate means to repeat, so to reiterate means to re-repeat, which is weird and delectable.
  2. Recalcitrant: Recalcitrant is a very grownup word often used to describe children. Describe adults as recalcitrant and see where it gets you!
  3. Raucous: Actors love raucous applause, raucous machines in frigid server rooms explain why IT personnel never seem to hear what you're saying.
  4. Rakish: Everyone loves rakish young people; they're dashing, they're jaunty, and they're slightly disreputable.
  5. Rambunctious: Being uncontrollably exuberant isn't for everybody, but it's a very fun word to say. It's even more fun to work it into casual conversation.
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Q: Action words that start with R?
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