Well, I got this from someokne else so I think it works I haven't tried it out yet. Game ID (US): cnje fd18f71f
99,999,999 cookies:
620B0F8C 00000000
B20B0F8C 00000000
00000080 0098967F
D2000000 00000000
Hearts remain at 10:
620B0F8C 00000000
B20B0F8C 00000000
10000168 0000000A
D2000000 00000000
Yes, there are action replay codes for this game. I suggest going to Neoseeker.com. It has tons of cheats.
you can get it at the pastoria great marsh. they're really rare to find. if you have an action replay, there is a ninja boy on the route to get to celestic town from solaceon town. you can use the catch trainers Pokemon code and catch it
There is not one you get the gracidea flower from a girl in floroma town after you obtain shamin.
I think youre supposed to ethier do something in the other towns, or do an action replay cheat.
No unless you start your game again and start with a new person and a new life and different people in your town
Yes, there are action replay codes for this game. I suggest going to Neoseeker.com. It has tons of cheats.
I Don't Know What It Is I Need It 2.. Its Hard 2 Find.. There is no code BUT, there is a Town Editer you need an Action Replay MAX to get it
you can get it at the pastoria great marsh. they're really rare to find. if you have an action replay, there is a ninja boy on the route to get to celestic town from solaceon town. you can use the catch trainers Pokemon code and catch it
You can't; you have to get the Action Replay MAX and download the Town Editor.
that us dumb
no, but you can go to gamewinners.com and there is codes for friends to come to your town and they will stay if you keep the code active.
if its with a action replay its with wild Pokemon modifier codes and with wild level 100 Pokemon cheats and you also can find celebi without action replay go to celestic town and go to the shrine your gym badges need to be super-hyper-ultra clean to do that good luck (but i think i was tricked to that "celebi is in celestic town shrine''
You can edit your map through a series of action replay codes, there is a full guide listed about it here http://gamehacking.org/?s=faqs&id=128
if you can use codes on your ds then you can use the flower code, tree code and if you have any weeds the you can use the action replay.
Action replay at target
If you are unwilling to seed you town by using action replay then yes.
"you cant cause your not aloud to move the rivers infact i have none wierd" ----------------------------------------- Nope. There are codes for that. Look up Town Modifier codes. If that does not work you need Gameshark. Gameshark was originally Action Replay but a company took that and created Gameshark. Gameshark has upgraded a lot since then and has amazing codes. But remember, moving rivers is a big thing. It's no "Don't Get Resetti" code. Or you can get Animal Map.