A woven storage container that starts with the letter ba is a basket.
A woven storage container that starts with the letter B is a basket.
Basket !
62 eloin enols enows envoi eosin evils lenis lenos levin levis lewis liens lines linos lions liven lives loins looie loons loose loves lowes lowse lweis noels noils noise nolos noose novel olein oleos olios olive ovens ovine ovoli owsen sinew snool solei solon solve swine swive swoon veils veins views vines vinos viols voile voles vowel wiles wines winos wives wools woven
The cloth trade is the process by which textiles and woven fibers are transferred between individuals or companies. It is typically done on a large scale between countries or large distributors.
A total of 208 words can be derived from these letters using the TWL, (the Scrabble dictionary). Here are about seventy of the more common ones: felon felt flew floe flout flow flown flue fluent flute font foul fount fowl fuel futon heft hewn hole hone hotel hove hovel howl hunt john john jolt joule jowl june jute left lent lent loft lone lout love lute newt noel note novel often oven ovule teflon then thou tofu tone towel town tune unto vent veto vole volt vote vowel weft welt went when whet whole woeful wolf wont wove woven
Basket is a woven storage container. It begins with the letters BA.
A woven storage container would be a basket.
A woven storage container that starts with the letter ba is a basket.
A woven storage container would probably best be described as a wicker basket.
A woven storage container that starts with the letter B is a basket.
Basket !
A ligature
it is a two things that stick together to make a basket
That would be a basket. They are often made of small flexible twigs. They can also be woven with straw and thins strips of wood peeled from logs.
problem and solution (: (the and isn't in the word)
woven and nonwoven textiles
The richly woven history of the proud and noble English surname of Letts begins in Gloucester, where they had held a family seat as Lords of the Manor of Lett.