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no it is Qwerty. Qwerty is when a phone has texting and it looks like a keyboard. If you also look on the left hand corner, you can see the letters Q W E R T Y see, it is qwerty!

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Q: A word that starts with Q but U is not followed?
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What word doesn't have a u after the q?

In English, the word "Quran" is a word that starts with a q but does not have a u following it.

Can you give me a single word that starts with q and not followed by u?

Qi is in the official scrabble dictionary

Write a word starting with Q but its second letter should not be U?

There is NO word in the English language whereby the letter q is not followed by the letter u.

If a word has the letter Q in it does it have to be followed by an letter u?

That is a rule in the Spanish language. U follows a Q to make the sylable sound depending on the pronuciation needed. In the English language there is a rule to the letter Q that states that a word starting with the letter Q is allways followed by the U as a second letter.

Is there a word that starts with a P and ends with a Q?

this is almost impossible because a 'u' usually comes after a q. so no sorry :(

Does you follow q in spelling a word?

Yes, U.S. English typically follows the spelling convention of placing "u" before the letter "q" in words like "queen" or "quite."

Does 'q' always have to be followed by 'u' in a word?

In virtually every word of English origin, q is followed by u. There are exceptions for words we use that are not English. Qatar and Iraqi are examples. Because English is a creolized language, there are exceptions to almost every rule, as people learning English as a second language know.

What are the words that have Q in their spelling not followed by U?

it is impossilble

Which is the least letter of English alphabet it is always followed by 'U'?

'Q' is always followed by 'U' in English words.

Words with q at the end?

No English words end in Q, since Q is always followed by U.

Is there a city in Southern Europe that starts with a U or a Q?

Udine is a city in Italy. I don't know about a city that starts with a Q.

What word starts with a q in the world war 1?

q- hmm... u could use quarrel like an argument... sorry but that's the best i can come up with