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Q: A word that means light writing?
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Related questions

Why photography called?

It comes from The Greek word photo - light and graphos - writing. A photograph is writing with light.

What language does the word photo come from?

The word "photo" comes from the Greek word "phōs" which means "light" and the Greek word "graphē" which means "drawing" or "writing". Thus, "photo" can be translated to "light drawing" or "light writing".

WHY is photography an ancient greek word?

The word "photography" comes from the Greek words photoswhich means "light" and graphe' which means "drawing" or "writing," giving us "drawing with light."

What does the word photo means?

Photo = light. Graph = writing. So a Photo - graph is light writing. When you consider original photographs where in black and white ( or sepia ) you can see it's a literal translation from the Greek.

What word means light?

levis is latin word that means light or not heavy

What word means a system of secret writing?

enigmatic writing/cryptic writing /coded writing

What does photography means?

Photo- LightGraph- DrawingIt means Light Drawing.The term comes from The Greek word phos, photos - light and graphos - writing. The word photography means writing with light but most photographers claim they are painting with light!This 'writing with light' or as us photographers say ' painting with light' was first reputed to have been termed by Sir John Herschel to William Henry Fox Talbot in letter in 1839. Herschel was an English astronomer who also devised the words negative and positive and I believe the word snapshot. A lot of his work involved chemistry which was the forerunner of the black and white processes. Henry Fox Talbot was the inventor of the negative positive process of photography. He was an English gentleman, chemist, mathematician, linguist and archeologist.

What is word choice in technical writing?

Word choice means in writing when your using your six traits in a sentence.

What is the etymology of the word literature?

The word "literature" comes from the Latin word "litteratura," which means "writing formed with letters." It is derived from the Latin word "littera," which means "letter of the alphabet."

What is a word that means attracted to light?

Photophilia means attraction to light.

What is the Greek word that means writing about or describing the earth?

The Greek word for writing about or describing the earth is "geography."

What is clustering writing?

Cluster means to start with a word, then add associated word to the word.