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Q: A word starting with the that means near that place or time?
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What word means near that place or time?

Maybe "around," depending on context. I think the word you're looking for is "circa".

Where is the best place for a symphony conductor to live?

Near airports, or near where you will be most of the time. Near airports, or near where you will be most of the time.

What does it mean to be near that place or time?


What word starting with pre means to go before time?

The word starting with "pre" that means to go before time is "premature."

What does time in lieu mean?

Lieu is French for place, so it means "time in place."

Is the state of the atmosphere near Earth at a given time and place is called?

The state of the atmosphere near Earth at a given time and place is called weather. It includes factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation.

What does lieu time mean?

Lieu is French for place, so it means "time in place."

If you were near the place or time?

bla bla bla bla hahahahaha uckers

This boy told you he likes him and every time you get near him you get nervous?

that means that you like him

How does relative location help you understand where a place is?

the reason why it is very important for a near by location is because you might see the near by location then you will see that place but that is only true only90% of the time

What is auditory or time art?

Art that place place over time, such as a musical performance. Auditory means relating to sound.

What does thence mean?

"Thence" means from that place or from that time. It is often used to indicate a source, origin, or starting point for something.