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Q: A word starting with eg has 5 letters only?
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What are statements about the senate?

Eg: The word 'senate' has six letters in it.

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Is there a word for when you occasionally type the first two letters of a word backwards Eg How are you oding today?

Transposing letters in a word or phrase is called metathesis.

Is it 'for eg' or only ' eg'?

Its only "eg".Its derived from Latin word "exempli gratia" which in english translates to for example.

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What is the meaning of the word what?

What is used for starting questions. Eg, What is the use of this sentence?

When to use an?

A and an are indefinite articles. Use a before a word starting with a consonant eg A house, a boy, a girl. Use an before a word starting with a vowel eg an apple, an objective. But also use an before words of French origin starting with a silent h eg an hour, an hotel. See link for reference.

What do you call a word that is derived from another word using those letters?

Can you tell me what you call the process that makes one word from another word jumbling those letters - eg. LISTEN and SILENT? That is called an Anagram

What four letter word starting with apostrophe?

'twas (contraction of it was) eg, 'Twas the night before Christmas, ...

What is a word that describe that?

eg: this that the something that is starting with a t this is a sentence that cow is really fat get it know yay

What do you call a word made up from just some of the letters from another word eg word election - note not net let cot elect lectin lection?

A smaller word inside a big word

Are Greek letters used for statistics or for parameters?

Greek letters are used for population parameters. Eg: µ is the population mean English letters are used for sample statistics. Eg: x-bar is the sample mean