scatter- brained, changeable, faithless, unpredictable, unstable, irresolute, inconstant, volatile
People who like to speak their mind can be called:honestupfrontbluntassertiveboldoutspokendirectbrashforthrightunreservedconfidentassureduninhibited
mind bogglers
Xmas is a Christmas word. It frequently is used as a word for Christmas.
smelting ? Alchemy!
Bookkeeping :)
Indecisive? Fickle? Inconsistent Changeable
The word for knowing someone's mind/reading someone's mind is 'telepathy' It means the ability to be on someone's wavelength to read their mind.
The older-ancient greek word for mind is "ΝΟΥΣ" (nous) Today the word "ΜΥΑΛΟ" (mialo) is used much more frequently.
Yes, "smiler" is a word. It refers to someone who smiles frequently or easily.
People who like to speak their mind can be called:honestupfrontbluntassertiveboldoutspokendirectbrashforthrightunreservedconfidentassureduninhibited
more frequently
This is a word used by people on the internet (Even in real life). You are hit by a Never Mind when either you are not able to understand what the other is trying to say or when you thank them for their help or support. This is used very frequently for above situations.
The root word of "frequently" is "frequent."