Want to Use the WIGEV on Your Website?
The WIGEV was created by, and for the use of, Webkinz Insider members. If you are interested in using these values on another site, please feel free to post a link to this thread. Do NOT cut and paste the WIGEV on your site. The WIGEV is updated frequently, sometimes several times a week. If you are interested in using these values, the only way to make sure everyone is looking at the same data is to have it in one, and only one, location. This thread is it. --FIA
Need Help Finding an Item?
For a separate alphabetic listing of Webkinz World items, with references to their WIGEV sections, please check out this post: [ LIST ] Alphabetic Listing of Webkinz World Items
Want to know what this stuff looks like?
Check out this thread: [ PICTURES ] Picture Gallery of Webkinz World Items
Table of Contents
Click on the category name to jump to that section.
1-All Rare Items (Rares from the Curio Shop)
2-Curio Shop Only Items (Also from the Curio Shop)
3-Exclusive Items (Superbeds, POTM Items, Adoption Exclusives, Signature Theme)
4-Magical Forest (Charms, Stars, Woodland, Zumwhere)
5-Christmas & Hanukkah Items (Seasonal wShop Items)
6-Trading Cards (Series One, Two, Three, and Four)
7-Holiday Gift Bags
8-Click-to-Win Items (Special Adz, Fests, Events)
9-Glam Boutique Items
10-Halloween Items (Seasonal wShop Items)
11-KinzStyle Clothing
12-Misc. Items (Coupons, Balloons, ETC)
13-Pet Specific Items
15-Virtual Figurines & Figurine Specific Items (Series One & Two)
16-Webkinz eStore
17-Webkinz Foundation (wCares & Caring Valley)
18-Retired Items (wShop & Retired Curio Shop)
19-KinzVille Academy Prizes
20-Vacation Island Prizes
21-eStore Replicas
22-Kinz Clothes Outfits
23-Deluxe Membership Prizes
24-Gem Hunt Prizes (Arte & Doug)
**PRICELESS Items Value Reference
The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV)
I am pleased to present to you the brand new Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value (WIGEV) Guide. This is the place to find the average Gift Exchange Value of all items in Webkinz World.
The GE staff here at Webkinz Insider, assisted by several of our wonderful Gift Gurus, has worked very hard to make sure this guide is as accurate as possible. Since it is impossible to anticipate or account for every variable in every situation, average values have been provided. It is still up to you to assign specific values to the items in your list.
Thank you to the following Staff and Gift Gurus for their wonderful work on this project:
and to anyone I may have forgotten. Thank you.
--FIA (12/03/2007)
The WIGEV is now just over a month old, and you may, or may not, have noticed that it has undergone some changes in the past few weeks. It seems like every few days new items are added to Webkinz World and/or older items need to have their value adjusted.
In order to keep track of the day to day changes in the thread, so everyone will know what is going on, here is a list of the latest updates to the guide. Each time the guide is revised, a notation will be made here. At least one week's worth of notes will be kept here.
The guide may never attain perfection, but hopefully it will keep pace with the ever changing values in Webkinz World and continue to be a useful tool for our members.
--FIA (01/07/2008 )
Changes made July 22nd through July 31st
new clothing items added to Magic Mire
Black Panther PSI now "not currently available"
Blue Dragster value lowered due to replica
key prizes separated from woodland wonders
August 1st through August 7th
Goo-Goo Berry value lowered
August 8th through August 22nd
new PSIs added to PSI section
yellow googles die added to misc section
survey prizes added to misc section
deluxe machine prizes added to deluxe section
more estore items added to estore section
gold safe added to estore replica section
August 23rd to August 31st
deluxe prize machine values updated
Sept 1st through Sept 7th
new super bed added
space theme moved to curio shop
new wow prizes added
---- Last edited by FIA; 09-02-2009 at 02:13 PM.. Reason: update
Sponsored Links
01-24-2008, 10:51 PM #2FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
Re: The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV) ---- *****************************************************************
Important note regarding the exchange value of wShop Oak Pools:
Most wShop items typically trade for around their wShop cost. Oak Pools, which are generally used as "currency" in trades, are an exception and are frequently valued as low as 1000 KC. The common use of wShop coupons to purchase Oak Pools for trading is a major factor in this lower value.
1-All Rare Items
Click "show" to see pictures of the Rare Items
Spoiler: show
1-All Rare Themes
"Click" on the pictures to make them LARGER.
Rares with NO Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 830x398.
Ancient Civilization Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 816x394.
Aztec Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 825x395.
Egyptian Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x555.
Medieval Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 830x564.
Science Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 826x394.
The longer rare items are away from the Curio Shop, the more their exchange value increases. Keep in mind that when it comes to rare items, patience is the key. Eventually everything comes back around again. Next to each of the rare items below is it's Curio Shop sale price and the date that it was last seen in the Curio Shop. If the item has not yet been sold in the Curio Shop, a special temporary value is shown in bold print.
Need help with the math? See the chart at the bottom of this post.
starting value: worth 1 to 1.5 times their Curio Shop sale price
3 to 6 months after last appearance: worth 1.5 to 2 times their Curio Shop sale price
6 to 12 months after last appearance: worth 2 to 3 times their Curio Shop sale price
12+ months after last appearance: worth at least 3 times their Curio Shop sale price
(Items that cost 10,000 or more are worth slightly less than 3x their value at 12 months.)
Value is based on the last appearance in the Curio Shop, in any zone.
Need help with the math? See the chart at the bottom of this post.
Ancient Brazier (Ancient Civ.) 2600* (last sold August/19/2009)
Ancient Civilization Flooring (Ancient Civ.) 1500*(last sold July/08/2009)
Ancient Civilization Wallpaper (Ancient Civ.) 1100* (last sold April/12/2009)
Ancient Emperor Statue (Ancient Civ.) 9050* (last sold July/04/2009)
Ancient Ionic Column (Ancient Civ.) 6500* (last sold August/15/2009)
Ancient Pyramid Lamp (Egypt) 1150* (last sold June/10/2009)
Ancient Wading Pool (Ancient Civ.) 4500* (last sold May/28/2009)
Aztec Artisan's Toy Box (Aztec) 6500* (last sold May/19/2009)
Aztec Calendar (Aztec) 7200* (last sold July/21/2009)
Aztec Fire Pit (Aztec) 11500* (August/23/2009)
Azure Aztec Fridge (Aztec) 7935*(last sold August/03/2009)
Bed of The Pharaoh (Egypt) 12500* (last sold July/15/2009)
Bejeweled Coffee Table (Egypt) 3200* (last sold August/16/2009)
Caesar's Chair (Ancient Civ.) 4200* (last sold July/18/2009)
Centurion Candelabra (Ancient Civ.) 3900* (last sold August/14/2009)
Centurion Coffee Table (Ancient Civ.) 4000* (last sold August/21/2009)
Chiseled Stone Sofa (Aztec) 8435*(February/20/2009)
Clock of the Future (Science) 1850* (last sold June/20/2009)
Colossal Movie Screen 40,000* (last sold September/01/2009)
Crown's Lineage Coat of Arms (Medieval) 1820*(last sold September/02/2009)
Delicate Swan Bed 1750* (last sold February/20/2009)
Domo Roboto Dresser (Science) 2895* (last sold September/02/2009)
Dream O Meter Bed (Science) 4800* (last sold July/22/2009)
Dresser of the Lost City (Aztec) 7290* (last sold August/20/2009)
Egyptian Television (Egypt) 8995* (last February/15/2009)
Egyptian Vanity Chair (Egypt) 2150* (last sold August/19/2009)
Egyptian Vase (Egypt) 6250* (last sold August/02/2009)
Egyptian Walls (Egypt) 700* (last sold July/09/2009)
Elegant Egyptian Vanity (Egypt) 5345* (last sold August/05/2009)
Emperor's Bed (Ancient Civ.) 11100* (last sold August/25/2009)
Emperor's Dining Throne (Ancient Civ.) 5500* (last sold March/04/2009)
Emperor's Settee (Ancient Civ.) 8300* (last sold May/16/2009)
Experiment Station 1 (Science) 1150* (last sold August/22/2009)
Experiment Station 2 (Science) 1150* (last sold August/26/2009)
Experiment Station 3 (Science) 1150* (last sold August/07/2009)
Experiment Station 4 (Science) 1250* (last sold August/04/2009)
Exquisite Egyptian Obelisk (Egypt) 4500* (last sold January/08/2009)
Fancy Fountain 2940* (last sold August/30/2009)
Formula Blackboard (Science) 2500* (last sold August/31/2009)
Geographic Globe (Science) 4000* (last sold August/14/2009)
Golden Hippo Fridge (Egypt) 8425* (last sold June/18/2009)
Golden Sun Stove (Aztec) 6700*(last sold August/09/2009)
Golf Cart 2000* (last sold July/12/2009)
Grand Egyptian Column (Egypt) 8000* (last sold July/29/2009)
Grand Empire Chest (Ancient Civ.) 5750* (last sold September/02/2009)
Greasy Grill 4400* (last sold August/19/2009)
Griffin Emblem Rug (Medieval) - (see note below, under value chart)
Griffin House Tapestry (Medieval) - eStore Item, Cannot be Traded or sent via KinzPost.
Hand-Carved Lion Statue 1200* (last sold May/17/2009)
Hot Air Balloon 1950* (last sold August/04/2009)
Humvee Toy SUV 5500* (last sold September/02/2009)
Imperial Dining Table (Ancient Civ.) 6250* (last sold July/13/2009)
Imperial Side Table (Ancient Civ.) 3400* (last sold June/29/2009)
Imperial Urn (Ancient Civ.) 3000* (last sold May/03/2009)
Incubation Chamber (Science) 3050* (last sold April/25/2009)
In-Home Bowling Alley 10000* (last sold August/28/2009)
Interstellar Telescope (Science) 1951* (last sold July/24/2009)
Jumpin' Jukebox 4500* (last sold July/31/2009)
King's Guard Suit Of Armor (Medieval) 1875* (last sold August/01/2009)
King's Royal Lamp (Medieval) 925* (last sold June/03/2009)
King's Throne (Medieval) 5875* (last sold June/30/2009)
Kinzvision Plasma TV 3995* (last sold May/13/2009)
Please be careful to not confuse the RARE Kinzvision Plasma TV with the W-Shop KinzVision HDTV.
Knight Of The Round Armor (Medieval) 2300* (last sold August/15/2009)
Legionnaire Shield (Ancient Civ.) 2900* (last sold July/27/2009)
Legionnaire's Suit of Armor (Ancient Civ.) 7100*(last sold July/28/2009)
Luxury Hot Tub 10000* (last sold August/30/2009)
Machu Picchu Pedestal (Aztec) 2370*(August/29/2009)
Majestic Throne (Egypt) 10095* (last sold August/29/2009)
Manic Monitor (Science) 3425* (last sold June/26/2009)
Master Grill 4450* (last sold July/14/2009)
Medieval Bear Tapestry (Medieval) - (see note below, under value chart)
Medieval Chest (Medieval) 2675* (last sold June/25/2009)
Medieval Coffee Table (Medieval) 1380* (last sold July/25/2009)
Medieval Curtains (Medieval) 1300* (last sold July/26/2009)
Medieval Dining Chair (Medieval) 995* (last sold July/15/2009)
Medieval Dresser (Medieval) 2995* (last sold July/27/2009)
Medieval Lion Tapestry (Medieval) 1568* (last sold August/15/2009)
Medieval Unicorn Tapestry (Medieval) (see note below, under price chart)
Medieval Monarch Sofa (Medieval) 3915* (last sold September/03/2009)
Medieval Stone Column (Medieval) 3000* (last sold July/12/2009)
Mystic Eye Lamp (Aztec) 3100* (August/17/2009)
Opus Sofa (Science) 4250* (last sold January/06/2009)
Ornate Egyptian Side Table (Egypt) 3950* (last sold August/28/2009)
Precious Stone Side Table (Aztec) 3190* (last sold August/12/2009)
Queen's Throne (Medieval) 5500* (last sold August/10/2009)
Quetzalcoatl's Chamber Bed (Aztec) 16700* (last sold July/28/2009)
Ra's Golden Bureau (Egypt) 7480* (last sold August/11/2009)
Regal Banquet Dining Table (Medieval) 3600* (last sold August/21/2009)
Regal Flame Lamp (Medieval) 925* (last sold August/19/2009)
Roadster Go-Kart 1150* (last sold June/23/2009)
Robo-Handy Table (Science) 1600* (last sold August/03/2009)
Rock Garden 2300* (last sold June/25/2009)
Royal Banquet Chair (Egypt) 5500* (last sold August/22/2009)
Royal Banquet Table (Egypt) 7250* (last sold July/11/2009)
Royal Estate Bed (Medieval) 7750* (last sold August/31/2009)
Sacred Pyramid Flooring (Egypt) 700* (last sold August/20/2009)
Sacred Scribe Desk (Egypt) 3975* (last sold June/23/2009)
Samauri Armor Stand 2200* (last sold January/18/2009)
Sandstone Pedestal (Egypt) 1850* (last sold August/10/2009)
Snakes and Ladders Floor 950* (last sold July/18/2009)
Sofa of the Nile (Egypt) 9100* (last sold August/11/2009)
Stone Circle Flooring (Aztec) 1200* (last sold September/01/2009)
Stone Temple Walls (Aztec) 1200* (last sold August/25/2009)
Super-Secure Trap Door Toybox (Science) 1950*(last sold January/31/2009)
Theater Screen - see "Colossal Movie Screen" above
Terra Cotta Chair (Aztec) 2900* (last sold August/24/2009)
Terra Cotta Coffee Table (Aztec) 4000* (last sold February/27/2009)
Theater Screen - see "Colossal Movie Screen" above
Thoughtful Think Tank (Science) 2300* (last sold August/11/2009)
Tribal Totem (Aztec) 7600* (last sold July/21/2009)
Turquoise Dining Chair (Aztec) 3700* (last sold September/01/2009)
Turquoise Dining Table (Aztec) 9100* (last sold September/03/2009)
Ultimate Experiment Station (Science) 2875* (last sold July/30/2009)
Wild Safari Print Screen 1725* (last sold August/27/2009)
Ye Olde Moving Picture Box (Medieval) (see Trading Card section)
* = Curio Shop sale price, NOT the Exchange Value.
40,000 starting value: 40,000 to 50,000
Medieval Unicorn Tapestry - Although this item goes with the Rare Medieval theme, it has never been sold in the Curio Shop. Ganz sent one to everyone who entered a December 2008 contest on the Webkinz Newz site. Ganz has said that the only way to get the Tapestry was through the contest, but a handful of members have reported getting them as Trading Card prizes. If the Tapestry becomes available again, the value will go down. The cash value of the Tapestry is 700 KC.
starting value (December 2008 ): 2500 to 3000
3 to 6 months (March 2009): 5000 to 6000
6 to 9 months (June 2009): 7500 to 9000
9 to 12 months (September 2009): 14000 to 16000
12 to 18 months (December 2009): 20000 to 22000
18 to 24 months (June 2010): 30000 to 35000
24+ months (December 2010): 35000 to 40000+
Medieval Bear Tapestry - This item has also never been sold in the Curio Shop, but since it is part of the Medieval theme, it is listed here. If it is every offered for sale in the Curio Shop, the value will drop. The cash value of the Tapestry is 900 KC.
Offered on the Super Wheel on June 28th, 2009.
Starting Value (June): 6000 to 10000
3 to 6 months after last available (Sept): expected to be 10000 to 15000
6 to 9 months after last available (Dec): expected to be 15000 to 20000
9 to 12 months after last available (Mar): expected to be 20000 to 25000
12 to 18 months after last available (Jun): expected to be 25000 to 30000
18 to 24 months after last available (Dec): expected to be 30000 to 35000
24+ months after last available (June): expected to be 35000 to 40000+
The Griffin Emblem Rug was last awarded for a contest on the Webkinz Newz site on July 18th, 2009:
Starting Value (July): 6000 to 10000
3 to 6 months after last available (Oct): 10000 to 15000
6 to 9 months after last available (Jan): 15000 to 20000
9 to 12 months after last available (Apr): 20000 to 25000
12 to 18 months after last available (July): 25000 to 30000
18 to 24 months after last available (Jan): 30000 to 35000
24+ months after last available (July): 35000 to 40000+
---- Last edited by FIA; 08-31-2009 at 10:04 PM.. Reason: tracking updated
01-24-2008, 10:51 PM #3FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
Re: The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV) ----
2-Curio Shop Only Items
Click "show" to view pictures of the Curio Shop Only Items
Spoiler: show
2-Curio Shop Only Items
"Click" on the pictures to make them LARGER.
Curio Shop Only Items with No Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x630.
Cat Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x277.
Dog Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x283.
Farm Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x266.
Medieval Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x133.
Science Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x135.
With the exception of Rares, all items in the Curio Shop can be marked down as much as 40% and marked up as much as 20%. Curio Shop Only items, including Hockey, Country, and Cat themes, have a exchange value that lies somewhere in between their original price and the 20% marked up price. Since none of these items are away from the Curio Shop for more than a week or so at a time, they do NOT go up in value the way rare items do. Eventually everything comes back around again.
Need help with the math? See the chart at the bottom of this post.
* = original Curio Shop sale price, NOT the Exchange Value.
Apple Chair 140*
Arte Fact Plush Toy 75*
Basketball Dreams Wallpaper 275*
Basketball Hardcourt Flooring 350*
Bee Antennae 40*
Bee Shoes 100*
Bee Stripe Pants 76*
Bee Tee 50*
Below Decks Wallpaper 200*
Bone Coffee Table 180*
Bone Couch 600*
Bone Lounger 350*
Bone Side Table 75*
Captain's Quarters Flooring 390*
Cat Ottoman 250*
Cat Playground 200*
Cat Sofa 450*
Cat Street Post 80*
Cat Television 600*
Cat Tunnel 30*
Cat Window 450*
Chef's Hat 80*
Chef's Shirt 95*
Classic Gaming Room Flooring 295*
Classing Gaming Room Wallpaper 275*
Country Bed 350*
Country Cabinet 450*
Doghouse Bed 500*
Dog Gym 150*
Dog Lamp 50*
Dog Side Table 75*
Fishy Lamp 50*
Funky Chair 210*
Funky Neon 'Fro 362*
Funky Table 250*
Gift Box Shoes 150*
Gladiator Helmet 1200*
Hydrant 80*
Kids Cupboard Sink 200*
Lime Desk Chair 150*
Loader Lounger 950*
Medieval Flooring 900*
Medieval Side Table 825*
Medieval Trophy Pedestal 450*
Medieval Wallpaper 685*
Medieval Window 600*
Orange Table 140*
Pineapple Lamp 45*
Queen Marie's Periwig 793*
Rice Paper Divider 390*
Rocket Ship Bed 600*
Rocket Ship Flooring 90*
Rocket Ship Wallpaper 100*
Rockin' Pompadour 816*
Royal Cat Bed 800*
Royal Cat Chair 110*
Royal Red Carpet 900*
Scientific Trophy Pedestal 450*
Screwy Lamp 685*
Silver Sofa 400*
Soccer Pitch (Field) Flooring 350*
Space Book Holder 225*
Space Chair 145*
Space Dining Chair 140*
Space Jukebox 475*
Space Sofa 800*
Space Study Console 250*
Space Coffee Table 300*
Space Dresser 550*
Space Flooring 60*
Space Light Projector 140*
Space Poster 40*
Space Side Table 110*
Space Toy Box 200*
Space Trophy Pedestal 200*
Space Viewing Screen 900*
Space Wallpaper 100*
Thinking Chair 1325*
Toy Purse 45*
Treasure Chest 200*
True Fan Soccer Wallpaper 285*
Tutti Frutti Headdress 480*
Viking Helmet 1066*
Wagon Wheel Sofa 250*
Wagon Wheel Table 250*
Wooden Chair 95*
Wooden Coffee Table 75*
Wooden Stool 65*
* = original Curio Shop sale price, NOT the Exchange Value.
---- Last edited by FIA; 09-03-2009 at 02:25 PM.. Reason: space theme info updated
01-24-2008, 10:51 PM #4FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
Re: The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV) ----
3-Exclusive Items
Click "show" to view pictures of all of the Exclusive Items.
Spoiler: show
3-Exclusive Items
"Click" on the pictures to make them LARGER.
Retired Exclusives
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x558.
Current Exclusives
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x560.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 822x563.
POTM Exclusives
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x418.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x425.
Super Beds
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x420.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 826x287.
Signature Theme
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x283.
There are four types of "exclusive" items: regular Exclusive items, POTM Exclusive items, Super Beds, and Signature Exclusive items.
Signature Exclusive items - Furniture from the exclusive "Signature Theme" is awarded randomly for Signature Pet adoptions. All Signature Exclusives have a value of approximately 10,000 to 12,000 each. This value could change (up or down) if the availability of the Signature Series Webkinz changes.
Dignified Drape Window
Dignified Dreams Bed
Lavish Limo
Signature Sofa
Stately Dining Table
Stately Dining Chair
Regal Rug
Stately Bookshelf
Fashionable Fireplace
Masterful Wardrobe
Super Beds - All Super Beds have an exchange value of approximately 10,000 KC.
Unopened Super Bed boxes have an exchange value of approximately 12,000 KC.
*Unopened Bed Box
Apple Pie Bed (introduced Jun/11/2008 )
Artist's Pallet (introduced Jun/11/2008 )
Bed of Roses (introduced Feb/21/2008 )
Big Top Circus Bed
Bookworm Bed
Butterfly Dreams Bed
Daredevil Bed
Fantasy Coach Bed
Flower Power Bed
King of the Castle Bed
Lunar Moon Bed
Monster Bed (introduced Feb/21/2008 )
Musical Maestro Bed (introduced June/10/2009)
Night at the Movies Bed
Railway Dreams Bed (introduced Jan/07/2009)
Sleeping Dragon Bed
Starburst Cloud Bed
Stardust Dreams Bed
Sugary Sweet Dreams Bed
Theater Stage Bed (introduced Feb/18/2009)
Treehouse Bed (introduced September/02/2009)
POTM (Pet of the Month) Exclusive Items - POTM items exchange for 4000 to 8000 KC, depending on their popularity and/or how new they are. The POTM promotion started on October 1st, 2007.
Balloon Blower (introduced May/2008 )
Blooming Dandelion (introduced March/04/2009)
Carnival Strength Tester (introduced April/17/2008 )
Cloud Machine (introduced February/06/2008 )
Crystal Sea Glass Flooring (introduced December/02/2008 )
Crystalline Pond (introduced October/01/2007)
Deep Diving Submarine (introduced October/30/2008 )
Dex Dangerous Telescope (introduced late November 2007)
Dex's Lug Bot Look Out (introduced October/01/2007)
Donut Plant Seeds (introduced October/01/2007)
Flying Saucer (introduced late October 2007)
Frosty Snow Making Machine (introduced October/01/2007)
Kinzville Cuckoo Clock (introduced mid-November 2007)
Lurking Lagoon (introduced October/01/2007)
Magic Genie Lamp (introduced June/24/2009)
Newton's Giant Cradle (introduced October/01/2007)
Magic 9 Ball (introduced January/10/2008 )
Party Machine (introduced mid-November 2007)
Playful Picture (introduced October/01/2007)
Rocky Shores Lighthouse (introduced late November 2007)
Steam Powered Moving Picture Machine (introduced late October 2007)
Stellar Star Blaster (introduced October 1st 2007)
Super Stunt Cycle (introduced October 1st 2007)
Exclusives - Currently Available - Currently available Exclusive Items exchange for 2000 to 4000 KC, depending on their popularity. Animated and/or new items are usually worth more and plants and/or older items are worth less.
All currently available exclusives have the exact same odds of being awarded at an adoption. None of them are any more "rare" than any of the others. If you decide to exchange for higher than the suggested value, just make sure you understand why you are paying more. If both members are happy with the exchange, that is what is important.
Exclusives - Officially Retired
Retirement Announced: 6000 to 10000
3 to 6 months after last available: 10000 to 15000
6 to 9 months after last available: 15000 to 20000
9 to 12 months after last available: 20000 to 25000
12 to 18 months after last available: 25000 to 30000
18 to 24 months after last available: 30000 to 35000
24 to 30 months after last available: 35000 to 40000
30 to 36 months after last available: 40000 to Priceless
For more on the value of "priceless" items, please click HERE.
Bonus Gift Box - cannot be traded or send via KinzPost
All Exclusives (Current and Retired)
4-Wheel ATV (introduced June/30/2007)
Ambulance (introduced February/21/2008 )
Amethyst Geode (introduced May 2006)
Antique Fashion Mirror (introduced October/01/2008 )
Antique Lamp Post (introduced February/21/2008 )
Back Country Outhouse (introduced May/16/2008 )
Blue Dragster (retired May 2006) PRICELESS (See Section #21, eStore Replicas, for an important note.)
Blue Wagon Racer (retired June/24/2009)
Bumper Car (introduced March/18/2009)
Circle of Friends Topiary
Cuckoo Cat Clock
Dancing Zingoz (introduced October/01/2008 )
Desert Window (introduced June/30/2007)
Dex Dangerous Space Fighter (introduced May/16/2008 )
Disco Ball (introduced June/30/2007)
Electric Blue Mauna Loa Lamp (introduced June/30/2007, retired May/16/2008 )
Elephant Fountain
Fancy Tea Service (retired June/30/2007)
Farm Tractor (introduced May/16/2008 )
Gas Pump (introduced June/24/2009)
Gemstone Table
Giant Feather Chair (introduced February/21/2008 )
Giant Gift Box (introduced March/18/2009)
Giant Sandwich Table (introduced February/21/2008 )
Giant Venus Flytrap (retired February/21/2008 )
Gold Safe (retired March/18/2009)
Grandfather Clock (Blue) (retired June/30/2007)
Haunted Painting (introduced May/16/2008 )
Ice Cream Tree (retired May/16/2008 ) (eStore "replica" for this item has not affected the value)
Jellybean Tree
Jelly Lollipop Tree (retired February/21/2008 )
Large Pane Window (retired June/24/2009)
Magic Carpet (introduced May 2006)
Mauna Loa Lamp (Red) (introduced May 2005, retired May 2006) PRICELESS
Moon Rover (introduced June/24/2009)
Neon Plant (introduced May 2006, retired March/18/2009)
Prismatic Chair
Propeller Plane
Rainbow Coffee Table (introduced June/30/2007)
Rainbow Jelly Cactus (retired June/24/2009)
Rainy Day Window (introduced June/30/2007)
Ribbons and Bows Tree (introduced June/30/2007)
Rockin' Robot Digital Clock
Running Shoe Racer (introduced March/18/2009)
School House Desk (introduced June/24/2009)
Seaside Palace Sandcastle (introduced June/24/2009)
So-Mod Moped Scooter (retired June/24/2009)
Sparkle Plant
Stone Elephant Statue (retired May 2006) PRICELESS (See Section #21, eStore Replicas, for an important note.)
Stoplight Lamp (retired March/18/2009)
Strike-a-Posing Plant
Time Warp Clock (introduced June/24/2009)
Toadstool Table (retired June/24/2009)
Twister in a Pot (introduced June/30/2007)
Undersea Porthole (retired Feb/21/2008, un-retired Dec/17/2008, re-retired Jan/07/2009)
NOTE: For the purpose of figuring exchange value for the Undersea Porthole,
use the "re-retirement" date of January/07/2009 as the official retirement date.
Vibrant Green Mauna Loa Lamp (introduced May/16/2008, retired Sept/09/2008, see important note below)
Violet Volcano Lamp (Purple) (introduced May 2006, retired June/30/2007)
Vortex Storage Unit (introduced June/30/2007)
Wading Pool (introduced October/01/2008 )
Webkinz Day Countdown (introduced March/18/2009)
Webkinz Dragster (Red)
Webkinz Theme Music Box (introduced February/21/2008 )
Webkinz Totem Pole (retired May/16/2008 )
Webkinz W Pond
Webkinz Wishing Well
Windmill (retired March/18/2009)
Wooden Grandfather Clock (introduced June/30/2007)
Yang Yin Blossom
Zingoz Bubble Blower
Green Lava Lamp: Because the Green Lava Lamp was available for such a short time, the values listed at the top of this section do NOT apply. In the case of the Green Lava Lamp ONLY, please use the "introduction date", in place of the "retirement date". In other words, for the purpose of figuring value, pretend that the lamp was retired on May/16/2008.
---- Last edited by FIA; 09-02-2009 at 02:21 PM.. Reason: treehouse superbed added
01-24-2008, 10:51 PM #5FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
Re: The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV) ----
4-Magical Forest Items
Click "show" to view pictures of the Magical Forest Items
Spoiler: show
4-Magical Forest
"Click" on the pictures to make them LARGER.
Fairy Falls
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x415.
Star Challenge
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 826x283.
Woodland Wonders
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 824x563.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x422.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x565.
Magic Mire
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x424.
Caring Valley pics are in the Webkinz Foundation section on the next page.
Fairy Falls
Fairy Falls items are unique because, with the exception of the candy and the shirts, each prize can only be earned once per account. Because of this, these items maintain a very high value. It has been confirmed that once you find all 40 forest charms, you are free to continue searching in the forest for candy and t-shirts, but you will NOT be able to unlock the large prizes again.
Fairy Falls Charm Candy - Maybe worth 15 KC. Usually given away for free.
Magic Charm Forest Bad Fairy T-Shirt - These have a exchange value of about 50 KC.
Magic Charm Forest Good Fairy T-Shirt - These have a exchange value of about 50 KC.
Charm Forest Dining Chair - 8000 to 10000 each
Charm Forest Wallpaper - 10000 to 12000
Charm Forest Floor - 10000 to 12000
Charm Forest Dining Table - 15000 to 17000
Fairy Topiary - 15000 to 17000
Fairy Falls Fountain - 10000 to 12000
Fairy Falls Forest Tiara - 20000 to 22000
Grand Charmling Tree - 30,000 to 35,000
Charm Tree Box - no exchange value, can't be sent via KinzPost
Charm Armoire - no exchange value, can't be sent via KinzPost
Charm Credenza - no exchange value, can't be sent via KinzPost
Star Challenge
Clothing 100 to 200 each
Solar Belt
Solar Shoes
Solar Slacks
Solar Jacket
Solar Helmet
Food (Fairy Biscuits) 15 each
Alyssa Cookie
Meteor Cookie
Moon Cookie
Star Cookie
Sky Cookie
Grand Prize 10,000 to 12,000
Fairy High Council Throne
Woodland Wonders
Important Note: If the item can also be purchased in the wShop, use the wShop cost as it's exchange value. Dark Glasses, Chocolate Cake, Strawberry Seeds, etc., are all worth less than 100KC.
Common Prizes - 4000 to 6000
Charmed Mushroom Hat
Magical Forest Pants
Uncommon Prizes - 6000 to 8000
Wand Sparkle Tree
Charmed Boots
Rare Prizes - 8000 to 10000
Ancient Bronze Fairy Shield
Charmed Dress
Male Fairy Plush
Woodland Tiara
Key Prizes (keys found in Woodland Wonders and Magic Mire)
Silver Key Prizes - 15,000 to 20000
Magical Forest Top Hat
Magical Forest Crystal
Pixie Pod Balloons
(or a Gold Key to add to your Gold Key collection)
Gold Key Prizes - 20,000 to 25,000
Magical Forest Key Plaque
Woodland Wonders Collection Box
Gold Leaf Dining Chair
(or an Emerald Key to add to your Emerald Key collection)
Emerald Key Prize - 25,000 to 30,000
Emerald Eye Pyramid
Gold Leaf Armorie
Gold Leaf Dining Table
Zum Field Guide - wShop item, sells for 1000 KC 250 KC
Zum Food - 25 to 50
Chocolate Zum
Gummy Zum
Zum Cupcake
Zum Soda
Zum Sour Candy
Zum Toffee
Small Zum Prizes
Zum Plush 6000 to 8000
Zumwhere T-Shirt 6000 to 8000
Zum Welcome Mat 6000 to 8000
Field Hat 6000 to 8000
Field Jacket 6000 to 8000
Table Top Candles 8000 to 10000
Zum Garden Ornament 8000 to 10000
Zum Poster 8000 to 10000
Magical Forest Wall Map 8000 to 10000
Zumwhere Globe 8000 to 10000
Zum Watching Case 10000 to 15000
Field Chair 10000 to 15000
Ancient Clay Pot 10000 to 15000
Zum Cloud Car 10000 to 15000
Zum Statue 10000 to 15000
Field Sketch 15000 to 20000
Cloudy Couch 15000 to 20000
Zum Fountain 15000 to 20000
Ponder Pond 15000 to 20000
Zum Dreaming Tree 15000 to 20000
Big Zum Prizes - Cannot be Traded or sent via KinzPost
Zum Crossing Sign (Lazy Zums Box)
Field Guide Pedestal (Zippy Zums)
Zum Sanctuary
Ancient Zum Field Guide (Bratty Zums)
Zum Topiary
Zum Costume (Hat, Body, Feet) Giggly Zums Box
Zum Trophy (Peeking Zums Box)
Magic Mire
Alyssa Plush - 50 to 100 KC
Nafari Plush - 50 to 100 KC
Charm Fairy Top - 50 to 100 KC
Charm Fairy Skirt - 50 to 100 KC
Bramble Circlet - 50 to 100 KC
Charm Fairy Leggings - 50 to 100 KC
Charm Fairy Shoes - 50 to 100 KC
Magic Mire Charm Candy - 15 to 25 KC
Swirling Leaf Tiara - 20000 to 25000
Charm Forest Flowers - 10000 to 15000
Charm Forest Mirror - 10000 to 15000
Charm Forest Rune Stone - 15000 to 17000
Charm Forest Sofa - 15000 to 17000
Charm Forest Coffee Table - 15000 to 17000
Charm Forest Window - 10000 to 12000
Magic Mire Marsh - 30000 to 35000
---- Last edited by FIA; 07-31-2009 at 03:26 PM.. Reason: key prizes separated from woodland wonders
01-24-2008, 10:51 PM #6FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
Re: The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV) ----
5-Christmas/Hanukkah Items
Click "show" to view pictures of the Christmas/Hanukkah Items.
Spoiler: show
5-Christmas/Hanukkah Items
"Click" on the pictures to make them LARGER.
Seasonal wShop Items, last sold December 2005
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 831x140.
Seasonal wShop Items, last sold December 2006
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x148.
Seasonal wShop Items, last sold December 2007
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 830x142.
Seasonal wShop Items last sold December 2008
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x421.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x422.
Seasonal Christmas Accessory Items, December 2008
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 826x280.
See category #7 below for Gift Bag information.
Last Available in the wShop Winter 2005
Elf Hat PRICELESS (NOTE: This is NOT the same as the "Elf Outfit Hat" from 2008.)
Elf Shoes PRICELESS (NOTE: The "Elf Jacket" is a 2008 KinzStyle Item.)
Nutcracker PRICELESS
Silver Christmas Tree PRICELESS
Last Available in the wShop Winter 2006
Bright Light Modern Tree PRICELESS
Snowcat Snowglobe PRICELESS
Red & Green Gem Christmas Tree PRICELESS
Silver Menorah PRICELESS (NOTE: This is NOT the same thing as the "Shining Silver Menorah".)
Last Available in the wShop Winter 2007
When trading for a previously available seasonal item, there is always the risk that the item might return with the next season, causing the value to drop considerably. How high or low you personally value an item is going to depend on how much you want to take that risk. The values below are intended to be a rough guide.
NOTE: The future values listed are an estimate. They may need to be revised up or down depending on actual item availability in the Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange.
If they don't return at one year (Dec): 8000 to 10000
NOTE: The 10KC Candy Cane is an exception to the rule. See value below.
15 to 18 months after the Holiday (Mar): expected to be 10000 to 15000
18 to 21 months after the Holiday (Jun): expected to be 15000 to 20000
21 to 24 months after the Holiday (Sept): expected to be 20000 to 30000
24+ months after the Holiday (Dec): expected to be 30000 to 40000
Green Kinz Kringle Outfit (Hat, Jacket, Pants)
Magic W Snowglobe
Sparkling Christmas Tree
For the Candy Cane ONLY!
If they don't return at one year (Dec): 250 to 500
15 to 18 months after the Holiday (Mar): expected to be 500 to 1000
18 to 21 months after the Holiday (Jun): expected to be 1000 to 1500
21 to 23 months after the Holiday (Sept): expected to be 1500 to 2500
24+ months after the Holiday (Dec): expected to be 2500 to 5000
Last Available in the wShop Winter 2008
When trading for a previously available seasonal item, there is always the risk that the item might return with the next season, causing the value to drop considerably. How high or low you personally value an item is going to depend on how much you want to take that risk. The values below are intended to be a rough guide.
NOTE: The future values listed are an estimate. They may need to be revised up or down depending on actual item availability in the Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange.
When items leave the shop (Dec): still worth roughly their W-Shop value for a couple of months
3 to 6 months after the Holiday (March): worth roughly two times their W-Shop value
6 to 9 months after the Holiday (June): worth roughly four times their W-Shop value
9 to 12 months after the Holiday (Sept): worth roughly six times their W-Shop value
If they don't return at one year (Dec): expected to be roughly 8000 to 10000
Cheery Chimney Fireplace 1900*
Christmas Treats Coffee Table 300*
Classic Christmas Tree 275*
Colorful Menorah 125*
First Snow Christmas Tree 300*
Glittering Gem Tree 175*
Golden Menorah 300*
Grand Christmas Tree 1000*
Holiday House Coat 115*
Holiday Night Dress 100*
Holiday Warmth Candle Lamp 110*
Jolly Holiday Dining Table 1050*
Merry Magic Sleigh Bed 1400*
North Pole Lampost 315*
Santakinz' Christmas Chair 875*
Santakinz' Dining Chair 185*
Santakinz' Side Table 195*
Santakinz' Sofa 750*
Santakinz' Workshop Dresser 850*
Santakinz' Workshop Flooring 225*
Santakinz' Workshop Wall Lantern 135*
Santakinz' Workshop Walls 300*
Santakinz' Workshop Wide Window 600*
Santakinz' Workshop (not wide) Window 375*
Shining Silver Menorah 250*
Small Red Christmas Tree 150*
Steps to Santakinz Room Divider 175*
Other Christmas Accessories last Available Winter 2008
KinzStyle Elf Outfit (Elf Outfit Hat + Elf Jacket)
NOTE: This is NOT the same as the 2005 Elf Outfit.
KinzStyle Red Santa Suit (Santa Hat + Santa Jacket + Big Black Belt + Santa Pants)
NOTE: This is NOT the same as the Green Kinz Kringle Outfit from 2007.)
Magical Holiday Wardrobe (comes with the Christmas Carrier)
NOTE: This seasonal wardrobe is valued differently from all other wardrobes.
NOTE: The future values listed are an estimate. They may need to be revised up or down depending on actual item availability in the Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange.
In the case of outfits with multiple parts, please divide the total outfit value by the number of parts to the outfit. Hats will always be worth slightly more than the rest of the outfit parts.
NOTE: The red Santa Suit is expected to return for Christmas 2009. There is no word yet on whether or not the Christmas Carrier or Elf Outfit will be returning.
During the Season (Dec): 6000 to 10000
3 to 6 months after last available (Mar): expected to be 10000 to 15000
6 to 9 months after last available (Jun): expected to be 15000 to 20000
9 to 12 months after last available (Sept): expected to be 20000 to 25000
12 to 18 months after last available (Dec): expected to be 25000 to 30000
18 to 24 months after last available (Jun): expected to be 30000 to 35000
24+ months after last available (Dec): expected to be 35000 to 40000+
---- Last edited by FIA; 05-08-2009 at 12:30 AM.. Reason: outfit note,
01-24-2008, 10:51 PM #7FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
6-Trading Cards
Click "show" to view pictures of the Trading Card Items.
Spoiler: show
6 - Trading Card Prizes
"Click" on the pictures to make them LARGER.
Series 1
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x556.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x282.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x563.
Series 2
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 830x559.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 830x563.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 827x561.
Series 3
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x560.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x565.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x426.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x285.
Series 4
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x562.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x286.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x560.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 826x557.
TC Series One
Classic Gaming Theme
Backgammon Galore Chair - 6000 to 8000
Card Suit Coffee Table - 5000 to 6000
Chair of Clubs - 2500 to 4000
Chair of Diamonds - 2500 to 4000
Chair of Hearts - 2500 to 4000
Chair of Spades - 2500 to 4000
Checkered Past Toy Box - 4000 to 5000
Checkmate TV - 9000 to 11000
Chinese Checkers Side Table - 2000 to 3000
Crown Me Trophy Pedestal - 2000 to 3000
Crowned Rook Dresser - 6000 to 8000
Cut the Cards Counter - 6000 to 8000
Game Board Wall Clock - 2000 to 3000
Game Piece Poster Bed - 11000 to 13000
Game Piece Sofa - 5000 to 7000
Game Time Canopy Lamp - 2000 to 3000
Games Under Glass Dining Table - 5000 to 7000
Misc. Prizes
DiceKinz Zingoz Pack - no exchange value, can't be sent via KinzPost
Series 1 Trading Cards Pedestal 4000 to 6000
NOTE: The Pedestal is a prize from entering a Trading Card Album (old version) code.
Ultra-modern TV - 8000 to 10000
Virtual Trading Card Pack - 1500 to 2000
Big Prizes (from collecting virtual trading cards)
Gold Card Collector Trophy 30000 to 32000
Master Card Collector Statue 40000 to 45000
Sketched Kinzville Window 40000 to 45000
Ultimate Challenge Sports Car 30000 to 32000
Ye Olde Moving Picture Box 36000 to 38000
Dragster TCG Poster - 500 to 1000
Pool TCG Poster - 500 to 1000
Quizzy TCG Poster - 500 to 1000
Wishing Well TCG Poster - 500 to 1000
Zangoz TCG Poster - 500 to 1000
Trading Card Theme
Trading Card Bed - 9000 to 11000
Trading Card Chair - 4000 to 7000
Trading Card Clock - 2500 to 3000
Trading Card Desk - 4000 to 7000
Trading Card Dining Table - 2500 to 4000
Trading Card Dresser - 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Fridge - 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Side Table - 2500 to 5000
Trading Card Sofa - 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Game Hat - 2000 to 3000
Trading Card Game Jacket - 2000 to 2500
Trading Card Game Pants - 2000 to 2500
Trading Card Game Shoes - 2000 to 2500
NOTE: The Classic Game Room Wallpaper and Flooring are Curio Shop Only items.
TC Series Two
Big Prizes (from collecting virtual trading cards)
At Paw Level Display Screen 40000 to 45000
Collector's Paradise Waterfall 40000 to 45000
Series 2 Collector trophy 30000 to 32000
Space Shuttle Explorer 30000 to 32000
W-Tales Sofa 36000 to 38000
Gamers Garden Theme
Deck of Stone Bench 5000 to 7000
Deck of Stone Dining Table 5000 to 7000
Divine Dresser 6000 to 8000
Gamers Garden Glass Side Table 2000 to 3000
Playing Deck Chair 2500 to 4000
Shrubbery Sleeper Bed 11000 to 13000
Topiary of Clubs 4000 to 6000
Topiary of Diamonds 4000 to 6000
Topiary of Hearts 4000 to 6000
Topiary of Spades 4000 to 6000
Two Suits Deck Chair 2500 to 4000
Go-Go Googles Poster 1000 to 1500
Husky Poster 1000 to 1500
Let Me Help You Poster 1000 to 1500
Love Puppy Poster 1000 to 1500
Lunar Lugbotz Poster 1000 to 1500
Nafaria Poster 1000 to 1500
Quizzy Poster 1000 to 1500
Supermodelz Poster 1000 to 1500
Misc. Prizes
Perfectly Purple Arm Chair 5000 to 8000
Series 2 Trading Cards Pedestal 4000 to 6000
NOTE: The Pedestal is a prize from entering a Trading Card Album (old version) code.
Trading Card 2.0 Virtual Trading Cards 2000 to 2500
Ultra-modern TV 8000 to 10000
Trading Card Theme
Trading Card 2.0 Bed 9000 to 11000
Trading Card 2.0 Chair 4000 to 6000
Trading Card 2.0 Coffee Table 5000 to 7000
Trading Card 2.0 Counter 6000 to 8000
Trading Card 2.0 Dining Chair 2500 to 4000
Trading Card 2.0 Dining Table 2500 to 4000
Trading Card 2.0 Dresser 5000 to 8000
Trading Card 2.0 Flooring 6000 to 8000
Trading Card 2.0 Fridge 5000 to 8000
Trading Card 2.0 Lamp 2000 to 3000
Trading Card 2.0 Side Table 2500 to 5000
Trading Card 2.0 Sink 5000 to 8000
Trading Card 2.0 Sofa 5000 to 8000
Trading Card 2.0 Oven 5000 to 8000
Trading Card 2.0 Toy box 4000 to 5000
Trading Card 2.0 TV 9000 to 11000
Trading Card 2.0 Wallpaper 6000 to 8000
Wizard Glasses 2500 to 3500
Wizard Hat 2500 to 3500
Wizard Robe 2500 to 3000
Wizard Shoes 2500 t0 3000
TC Series Three
Grand Prize
Magical Retriever * PSI PRICELESS * PSF 25 to 50
Trading Card Condo Theme
Trading Card Condo Lounger 4000 to 6000
Trading Card Condo Sofa 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Condo Coffee Table 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Condo Lamp 2000 to 3000
Trading Card Condo Counter 6000 to 8000
Trading Card Condo Dining Chair 3000 to 4000
Trading Card Condo Dining Table 3000 to 4000
Trading Card Condo Fridge 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Condo Stove 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Condo Dresser 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Condo Bed 8000 to 11000
Trading Card Condo Pedestal 4000 to 6000
Trading Card Condo Toy Box 4000 to 6000
Trading Card Condo Side Table 4000 to 6000
Trading Card Condo Wallpaper 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Condo Flooring 5000 to 8000
Trading Card Condo TV 8000 to 11000
Misc. Prizes
Series 3 Trading Cards Pedestal 5000 to 8000
NOTE: The Pedestal is a prize from entering a Trading Card Album (new version) code.
Card Collector Beret 2000 to 3000
Card Collector Button Coat 2000 to 3000
Card Collector Capri Pants 2000 to 3000
Card Collector Cropped Jacket 2000 to 3000
Card Collector Coat 2000 to 3000
Card Collector Classic Capri 2000 to 3000
Card Collector Flip Flops 2000 to 3000
Card Collector Bunched Pants 2000 to 3000
Charm Forest Poster 1000 to 1500
Cheeky Monkey Poster 1000 to 1500
Chicken Poster 1000 to 1500
Chortletorte Poster 1000 to 1500
Crocodile Poster 1000 to 1500
Fred Rover Poster 1000 to 1500
Goldfish Poster 1000 to 1500
Monkey and Monkey Poster 1000 to 1500
Ms. Birdy Poster 1000 to 1500
Puppy Patrol Car Poster 1000 to 1500
Whimsy Dragon Poster 1000 to 1500
Witches Bathtub Poster 1000 to 1500
Webkinz Character Theme
Amanda Panda Chest 5000 to 8000
Amanda Panda's Spicy Chocolate Cake1500 to 2000
NOTE: The Cake is a "food" that can be fed to your pet.
Arte's Azure Zingoz Photo 2000 to 4000
Arte's Clock 4000 to 6000
Chef Gazpacho Stove 5000 to 8000
Chef Gazpacho's Place Setting 2000 to 3000
Dr. Quack Bed 8000 to 11000
Dr. Quack Side Table Lamp 2000 to 3000
Fred Rover Coffee Table 3000 to 5000
Fred Rover Sofa 4000 to 6000
Monkey & Monkey Banana Tree 3000 to 5000
Monkey & Monkey Banana TV 5000 to 8000
Monkey and Monkey Balloons 2000 to 3000
Ms. Birdy Home Sweet Home Cross Stitch 2000 to 3000
Ms. Birdy's Tchotcke Shelf 3000 to 5000
Ms. Cowoline Reading Chair 5000 to 8000
Plumpy Plush Doll 3000 to 5000
Plumpy's Chair 3000 to 5000
Plumpy's Writing Desk 5000 to 8000
Quizzy Dining Chair 4000 to 6000
Quizzy Dining Table 5000 to 8000
TC Series Four
Grand Prize
Mystical Panda * PSI PRICELESS * PSF 25 to 50
Trading Card Theme
Card Collector Bed 8000 to 11000
Card Collector Coffee Table 5000 to 8000
Card Collector Counter 6000 to 8000
Card Collector Dining Chair 3000 to 4000
Card Collector Dining Table 3000 to 4000
Card Collector Dresser 5000 to 8000
Card Collector Flooring 6000 to 9000
Card Collector Fridge 5000 to 8000
Card Collector HDTV 8000 to 11000
Card Collector Lounging Chair 4000 to 6000
Card Collector Pedestal 4000 to 6000
Card Collector Side Table 4000 to 6000
Card Collector Sofa 5000 to 8000
Card Collector Standing Lamp 2000 to 3000
Card Collector Stove 5000 to 8000
Card Collector Toy Box 4000 to 6000
Card Collector Wallpaper 5000 to 8000
Character Clothing
Amanda Panda's Dress 2000 to 3000
Dex Dangerous Suit Bottom 2000 to 3000
Dex Dangerous Suit Top 2000 to 3000
Dex Dangerous Visor 2000 to 3000
Dr. Quack's Lab Coat 2000 to 3000
Fluffington's Vest 2000 to 3000
Fred Rover Blazer 2000 to 3000
Jerry's Blazer 2000 to 3000
Kimmy's Overalls 2000 to 3000
Ms. Birdy's Pink Blazer 2000 to 3000
Ms. Cowoline's Blazer 2000 to 3000
Ms. Cowoline's Skirt 2000 to 3000
Nafaria's Purple Slippers 2000 to 3000
Poncho's Shawl 2000 to 3000
Poncho's Sombrero 2000 to 3000
Sheldon's Surfer Hat 2000 to 3000
Sheldon's Surfer Shirt 2000 to 3000
Tabby Von Meow Headset 2000 to 3000
Character Furniture
Crafty Kimmy's Club Sign 2000 to 3000
Crafty Kimmy's Work Station 5000 to 8000
Dex Dangerous' Landing Pad 2000 to 3000
Dex Dangerous Master Control 5000 to 8000
Dex Dangerous Model Space Fighter 4000 to 6000
Dogbeard's Navigation Globe 3000 to 5000
Dogbeard's Treasure Chest 5000 to 8000
Dr. Quack's Eye Chart 2000 to 3000
Fluffington's Antique Armchair 5000 to 8000
Fluffington's Marble Bust 3000 to 5000
Nafaria's Potted Vine 3000 to 5000
Nafaria's Stained Glass Window 5000 to 8000
Persephone Designer Manikinz 3000 to 5000
Persephone Plush Doll 4000 to 6000 (also a Wheel of Deluxe prize)
Sheldon's Surfboard 3000 to 5000
Tabby Von Meow Hot Cup of Coco 4000 to 6000
(NOTE: The Coco is an "object" not a "food".)
Chimpanzee Poster 1000 to 1500
Crafty Kimmy Poster 1000 to 1500
Eagle Poster 1000 to 1500
Little Lamb Bed Poster 1000 to 1500
Orca Whale Poster 1000 to 1500
Party at the Coral Cove Poster 1000 to 1500
Smoothie Moves Poster 1000 to 1500
Sweetheart Tart Poster 1000 to 1500
Treasures of the Crystal Sea Poster 1000 to 1500
---- Last edited by FIA; Yesterday at 05:49 PM.. Reason: persephone plush doll note
01-24-2008, 10:52 PM #8FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
Re: The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV) ----
7-Holiday Gift Bags (and their prizes)
The items in Holiday Gift Bags can be split into two categories: Food & Other. Unless otherwise noted, these items are valued as follows:
The 12 and 24 month values are only if the items do NOT return with the Holiday.
starting value: Food 1000 to 1500 * Other 2000 to 4000
3 to 6 months: Food 1500 to 2500 * Other 4000 to 5000
6 to 9 months: Food 2500 to 5000 * Other 5000 to 10000
9 to 12 months: Food 5000 to 10000 * Other 10000 to 15000
12 to 18 months: Food 10000 to 15000 * Other 15000 to 20000
18 to 24 months: Food 15000 to 20000 * Other 20000 to 30000
24 to 30 months: Food 20000 to 30000 * Other 30000 to 40000
NOTE: Some items from 2006 may already be considered "priceless". See notes below.
30 to 36 months: Food 30000 to 40000 * Other 40000 to 50000
36+ months: Food 40000 to 50000 * Other over 50000
The intent is that there is a gradual increase in value over time between each of the values listed above. Values should go up slowly rather than "jump".
Keep in mind that it is possible for gift bag items, or even entire gift bags, to be repeated from one year to the next. In the case of repeated items, go by the last date that they were available. This also means that it is possible for a highly valued item to drop suddenly to just a few thousand KC. So, in the weeks before a Holiday's return, anyone trading for Holiday Gift items does so at their own risk.
First Year
For more on the value of "priceless" items, please click HERE.
Halloween 2005 (October 31st)
"Halloween Grab Bag"
Halloween Hat PRICELESS
Christmas 2005 (December 25th)
"A Christmas Gift"
Holiday Tubby Tummies Bear PRICELESS
Easter 2006 (April 16th)
"Spring Gift"
Bunny Ears (white) PRICELESS
Chocolate Eggs (See "Spring Fest" in "Click to Win" section for item value.)
Webkinz Day 2006 (April 29th)
"Webkinz Day Gift"
Year One Trophy PRICELESS
Year One Print PRICELESS
Second Year
Halloween 2006 (October 31st)
"Zangoz Halloween Basket"
Pumpkin Pop (seasonal W-Shop item, October 2008)
Licorice Bats (seasonal W-Shop item, October 2008)
Jack-o-Lantern Hat (other) PRICELESS
Tooth Extractor: Recipe made using a Phantom Pop, a Pumpkin Pop, and Licorice Bats. PRICELESS
Please do not confuse this with the "Super Mega Tooth Buster", a W-Shop food that sells for 10 KC.
Thanksgiving 2006 (November 23rd)
"Thanksgiving Surprise" same as 2007
Pumpkin Pie (same as 2008)
Thanksgiving Dinner (same as 2007)
Pilgrim Hat (same as 2007)
Christmas 2006 (December 25th)
"Christmas Gift"
Holiday Fruitcake (food) PRICELESS
SantaKinz's Reindeer Antlers (other) PRICELESS
Winter Fun Zingoz (other) PRICELESS
Candy Cane (seasonal W-Shop Item, December 2007)
Valentine's Day 2007 (February 14th)
"Valentine's Day Gift"
Valentine's Bouquet (other)
Cinnamon Hearts (seasonal W-Shop Item, February 2008)
Fancy Chocolate Heart (food)
Easter 2007 (April 8th)
"Spring Gift"
Marshmallow Bunnies (food)
Chocolate Eggs (See "Spring Fest" in "Click to Win" section for item value.)
Fuzzy Pink Bunny Ears (other)
Webkinz Day 2007 (April 29th)
"Webkinz Day Gift 2007"
Year Two Cake (food)
Year Two Trophy (other)
Year Two Print (other)
Third Year
Halloween 2007 (October 31st)
"Hall'ween Treat Bag"
Frankenkinz Hat (other)
Gummy Spiders (food)
Pumpkin Pop (seasonal W-Shop item, October 2008)
Super Mega Tooth Buster (current W-Shop Item) 10KC
Thanksgiving 2007 (November 22nd)
"Thanksgiving Surprise"
Pumpkin Pie (same as 2008)
Thanksgiving Dinner (food)
Pilgrim Hat (other)
Christmas 2007 (December 25th)
"Christmas 2007 Giftbox"
Christmas Tree Hat (other)
Wacky Zingoz Snowglobe (other)
Gingerbread Monkey (food)
Valentine's Day 2008 (February 14th)
"Valentine's Day Giftbox"
Sweetheart Chocolates (food)
Heart's Desire Roses (other)
Cinnamon Hearts (seasonal W-Shop Item, February 2008)
Easter 2008 (March 23rd)
"Spring Celebration 2008 Gift"
Chocolate Eggs (See "Spring Fest" in "Click to Win" section for item value.)
Tulip Planter (current W-Shop Item) 80KC
Spring Celebration Shoes (other)
Webkinz Day 2008 (April 29th)
"Webkinz Day Gift 2008"
Webkinz Day Cake 2008 (food)
Webkinz Day 2008 Group Picture (other)
Webkinz Day 2008 Trophy (other)
Wish Token (no exchange value, cannot be sent via KinzPost)
Fourth Year
Summer Sensation (June 28th)
(no box)
Summer Sensation Place Setting (other)
Halloween 2008 (October 31st)
"Halloween Treat Bag"
Pumpkin Pop (seasonal W-Shop item, October 2008)
Fearsome Fang Gummies (food)
Mummy Wrap (other)
Thanksgiving 2008 (November 27th)
"Thanksgiving Basket"
Thanksgiving Platter (other)
Bowl of Cranberries (food)
Pumpkin Pie (food)
Christmas 2008 (December 25th)
"Holiday Gift Box"
Holiday-Sno Cone (food)
Holiday Arte Plush (other)
Holiday Bomber Jacket (other)
Wish Token (no exchange value, cannot be sent via KinzPost)
Valentine's Day 2009 (February 14th)
Valentine's Day 2009 Gift Box
Tart Heart Candies (food)
Cinnamon Hearts (seasonal wShop item, February 2008 )
Valentine's Tubby Tummies Bear (other)
Easter 2009 (April 12th)
Spring Celebration Gift Box
Chocolate Eggs (See "Spring Fest" in "Click to Win" section for item value.)
Chocolate Egg Area Rug
Springtime Jelly Beans
Webkinz Day 2009 (April 29th)
Webkinz Day Year Four Giftbox
Webkinz Day Year Four Group Print
Webkinz Day Year Four Cake
Webkinz Day Year Four Trophy
Wish Token
Fifth Year
Summer Sensation (June 28th)
Summer Fun Picnic Basket
Seasonal wShop Food
Sometimes "seasonal" wShop food items don't come back with the return of the season.
If they don't return at one year: 250 to 500
15 to 18 months after the Holiday: expected to be 500 to 1000
18 to 21 months after the Holiday: expected to be 1000 to 1500
21 to 24 months after the Holiday: expected to be 1500 to 2500
24+ months after the Holiday: expected to be 2500 to 5000
---- Last edited by FIA; 06-05-2009 at 11:37 PM.. Reason: update
01-24-2008, 10:52 PM #9FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
Re: The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV) ----
8-Click-to-Win Prizes
Click "show" to view pictures of the Click to Win Items
Spoiler: show
8- Click-to-Win Items
"Click" on the pictures to make them LARGER.
Click to Win
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x560.
Fall Fest
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x421.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 828x559.
Past Adz
Mr. Moo's Candy Bar Advertisements
last available in 2005
Mr. Moo's Candy Bar - PRICELESS
For more on the value of "priceless" items, please click HERE.
Wacky Zingoz Jeans Advertisements
last available in 2006
Bee Movie Advertisements
The purpose of these advertisements was to promote the Bee Movie that was released in theaters on November 2nd, 2007. Clicking on these ads either gave you a larger ad for the movie, Honey from the W-Shop, or a Bee Costume. These Bee Movie ads were last seen in Webkinz World in early-November 2007. A few weeks later the Bee Costumes started showing up in the Curio Shop as Curio Shop Only Items.
Please see the Curio Shop Only section for the Bee Costume exchange values.
Alvin & the Chipmunks Movie Advertisements
The purpose of these advertisements was to promote the Alvin & the Chipmunks movie that was released in theaters on December 14th, 2007. Clicking on these ads either gave you a larger ad for the movie, Waffles from the W-Shop, or one of three different Chipmunk Costumes. These Chipmunk ads were last seen in Webkinz World in mid-December 2007. We have no way of knowing if these costumes are gone forever or if they will return as Curio Shop Only items like the Bee Costumes did.
Alvin Costume: Red Full-Length Hoodie + Cool Chipmunk Mask + Toy Electric Guitar
Simon Costume: Blue Full-Length Hoodie + Chipmunk Mask (Glasses)
Theodore Costume: Green Full-Length Hoodie + Cool Chipmunk Mask
This is for a complete costume. For a mask, shirt, or guitar by itself, divide by two.
During the event: 250 to 500
End of event (December): 500 to 1000
3 to 6 months after last available (March): 1000 to 1500
6 to 9 months after last available (June): 1500 to 2500
9 to 12 months after last available (September): 2500 to 5000
12 to 18 months after last available (December): 5000 to 6000
18 to 24 months after last available (June): 6000 to 10,000
24 to 30 months after last available: expected to be 10,000 to 12,000
30 to 36 months after last available: expected to be 20000 to 30000
36+ months after last available: Expected to be 30000 to 40000
Floating Pet of the Month Ribbons
Click on a floating POTM Ribbon to get a Chocolate Ribbon. This is on the 1st and 15th of every month.
Chocolate Ribbon - 250 to 500
Winterfest is a re-occuring event in Webkinz World during which floating snowflakes drift across the screen. Clicking a Snowflake wins you a winter-themed prize. The first Winterfest happened for one week at the end of January 2007. The second Winterfest happened from January 26th to February 1st in 2008. The third Winterfest ran from January 12th to January 18th.
Last available for Winterfest 2007
Polar Plunge Poster (2007 prize)
Last available for Winterfest 2008
Fuzzy Winter Slippers (2008 prize)
Hot Chocolate Frozen Mug (2007 & 2008 prize)
Snow Cone (2008 prize)
Snowflake Sweater (2007 & 2008 prize)
Last available for Winterfest 2009
Egg Nog (2008 & 2009 prize)
Framed Winter Scene (2008 & 2009 prize)
Googles Ice Sculpture (2008 & 2009 prize)
Peppermint Hot Chocolate (2009 prize)
Peppermint Snowflake (2007 & 2008 & 2009 prize)
Potted Icicle Tree (2008 & 2009 prize)
Roasted Chestnuts (2009 prize)
Snow Bear Sugar Cookie (2008 & 2009 prize)
Snowflake Rug (2009 prize)
Snowy Blue Toque (2007 & 2008 & 2009 prize)
Winterfest Parka (2008 & 2009 prize)
Wool Scarf Jacket (2009 prize)
Winter Fest prizes can be split into two categories: food and "other".
During the event: food 250 to 500, other items 1000 to 1500
End of event (January): food 500 to 1000, other items 1500 to 2500
3 to 6 months after the event (April): food 1000 to 1500, other items 2500 to 4000
6 to 9 months after the event (July): food 1500 to 2500, other items 4000 to 6000
9 to 12 months after the event (October): food 2500 to 5000, other items 6000 to 10000
12 to 18 months after the event (January): food 5000 to 6000, other items 10,000 to 15,000
18 to 24 months after the event (July): food 6000 to 10,000, other items 15,000 to 22,000
24 to 36 months after the event: food 10,000 to 12,000, other items 22,000 to 28,000
36+ months after the event: Expected to be 30000 to 40000
Wacky Zingoz Extreme Promotion
The purpose of this Click-to-Win event was to promote the release of the new Wacky Zingoz Plush Toy and the exclusive game that the adoption of this animal unlocks: Wacky Zingoz Extreme. Clicking a floating Zingoz won you one of three different candy bats. This event ran from March 6th to March 12th, 2008. It is unknown if this event will return for 2009 or what prizes may be available if it does.
Candy Gravity Bat
Candy Hyper Bat
Chocolate Bat
starting value (March): 250 to 500
3 to 6 months after the event (June): 500 to 1000
6 to 9 months after the event (September): 1000 to 1500
9 to 12 months after the event (December): 1500 to 2000
12+ months after the event (March): 2000 to 2500
Spring Celebration
Spring Fest is an event in Webkinz World during which Easter Eggs float across the screen. Clicking on an Egg wins you a Spring Food, Chocolate Eggs. These are the same Chocolate Eggs that were in the Spring Gifts of 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. The first Spring Fest ran March 21st to March 23rd, 2008 (Easter Weekend). The second Spring Fest ran just one day, on April 12th, 2009 (Easter Sunday).
Chocolate Eggs
starting value (Apr): 250 to 500
3 to 6 months after the event (Jul): 500 to 1000
6 to 9 months after the event (Oct):1000 to 1500
9 to 12 months after the event (Jan): 1500 to 2000
12+ months after the event (Apr): 2000 to 2500
Webkinz ExtravaGANZa
Flying Pigs have arrived in Webkinz World for the Webkinz ExtravaGANZa celebration, the celebration of the third anniversary of Webkinz World. Clicking on a Flying Pig wins you some Jellybeans. The Jellybeans were previously only awarded for incorrect guesses in the "Jellybean Challange" in late 2006. Please do not confuse these jellybeans with the Jar of Jellybeans awarded for correct guesses. Flying Pigs appeared on April 25th, 26th, and 27th, the weekend before the third anniversary. It is unknown if this event will return for 2009 or what prizes may be available if it does.
Jellybeans (solid color)
Do not confuse these solid color "Jellybeans" with the striped/spotted "Jelly Beans".
(See "Misc Items", section 12, for the other type.)
starting value (April): 500 to 1000
3 to 6 months after the event (July): 1000 to 1250
6 to 9 months after the event (October):1250 to 1500
9 to 12 months after the event (January): 1500 to 2000
12+ months after the event (April): 2000 to 2500
Zingoz Celebration - Floating Zingoz
Zingoz Celebration is an event in Webkinz World during which Zingoz float across the screen. Clicking on a Zingoz wins you a Zingoz Plushie. There have been two Zingoz Celebrations: one in July 2008 and another in July 2009.
Zingoz Plushie
starting value (July): 500 to 1000
3 to 6 months after the event (October): 1000 to 1250
6 to 9 months after the event (January):1250 to 1500
9 to 12 months after the event (April): 1500 to 2000
12+ months after the event (July): 2000 to 2500
Zingoz Celebration - Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy
Although this is not a "Click to Win" item, it has been included in this section because it is a part of the "Zingoz Celebration". There have been two Zingoz Celebrations: one in July 2008 and another in July 2009.
Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy
starting value (July): 4000 to 6000
3 to 6 months after the event (October): 6000 to 10000
6 to 9 months after the event (January): 10000 to 15000
9 to 12 months after the event (April): 15000 to 20000
12+ months after the event (July): 20000 to 25000
Floating Goo Goo Berries
The purpose of this Click-to-Win event was to promote the introduction of the Go Go Googles arcade game in December 2006. It was a week-long event during which large Goo Goo Berries floated across the screen. Clicking on a floating berry would win you Goo Goo Berry. The event took place for one week in December 2006, December 2007, August 2008, and August 2009. (Last Appearance: August 18th, 2009)
Goo Goo Berry
starting value (August): 250 to 500
3 to 6 months after the event (November): 500 to 1000
6 to 9 months after the event (February):1000 to 1500
9 to 12 months after the event (May): 1500 to 2000
12+ months after the event (August): 2000 to 2500
Fall Fest
Fall Fest is an event in Webkinz World during which floating leaves drift across the screen. Clicking a Leaf wins you a Fall-themed prize. The first Fall Fest ran from October 20th to October 26th 2007. The second Fall Fest ran from September 17th to September 24th 2008. It appears Ganz has moved the event up one month so it will not interfere with Halloween festivities. It is unknown if Fall Fest will return for 2009 or what prizes may be available if it does. The value of an item is based on the date it was last available.
Corn Husk Doll (last available October 2007)
Harvest Fruit Hat (last available October 2007)
Maple Leaf Sweater (last available October 2007)
Autumn Sunset Toque (2007 & 2008 prize)
Decorative Wheat Sheaf (2007 & 2008 prize)
Harvest Time Poster (2007 & 2008 prize)
Hot Apple Cider (2007 & 2008 prize)
Potted Elm Tree (2007 & 2008 prize)
Pumpkin Soup (2007 & 2008 prize)
Decorative Cornucopia (new in 2008 )
Fall Festival Place Setting (new in 2008 )
Orange Cable Knit Sweater (new in 2008 )
Fall Fest prizes can be split into two categories: food and other.
During the event: food 250 to 500, other items 1000 to 1500
End of event (September): food 500 to 1000, other items 1500 to 2500
3 to 6 months after the event (December): food 1000 to 1500, other items 2500 to 4000
6 to 9 months after the event (March): food 1500 to 2500, other items 4000 to 6000
9 to 12 months after the event (June): food 2500 to 5000, other items 6000 to 10,000
12 to 18 months after the event (September): food 5000 to 6000, other items 10,000 to 15,000
18 to 24 months after the event (March): food 6000 to 10,000, other items 15,000 to 22,000
24 to 36 months after the event: food 10,000 to 12,000, other items 22,000 to 28,000
36+ months after the event: Expected to be 30000 to 40000
Griffin Emblem Rug
See Rares in Section #1
---- Last edited by FIA; 08-18-2009 at 03:01 PM.. Reason: goo goo berry update.
01-24-2008, 10:52 PM #10FIA
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11,397
Giftz: (118) 100%
Re: The Official Webkinz Insider Gift Exchange Value Guide (WIGEV) ----
9-Glam Boutique
Click "show" to view pictures of the Glam Boutique Items
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9-Glam Boutique
"Click" on the pictures to make them LARGER.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 829x565.
All of the Glam Boutique Boutique items exchange for 4000 to 6000 KC. An unopened Glam Boutique Shopping Bag (which allows you to select your item) exchnages slightly higher, for 6000 to 7000 KC.
*Glam Shopping Bag
Glam Boutique Flooring
Glam Boutique Floor Lamp
Glam Boutique Sign
Glam Boutique Wallpaper
Green Salon Reception Chair
Persephone Light Box Poster
Pink Salon Reception Chair
Salon Coffee Table
Salon Dryer Chair
Salon Reception Desk
Salon Side Table
Salon Styling Station
Salon Stylist Chair
Styles of Plumpy Light Box
Salon Sink
Salon Styling Cabinet
GUIDE CONTINUES ON PAGE TWO ------------------------------->
---- Last edited by FIA; 10-23-2008 at 01:21 AM.. Reason: pictures updated
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I am sorry to say that you can't.
they are worth nothing. the rarest item ever on webkinz is the bunny clown so no it is not worth anything.
yes i thin you can by trading (not sure). but the guide you can't get rid of.
You trade gems in the Collector Room in a certain color zone at a certain hour.
hey i do i do to my user name is southernbelleflower i go on webkinz everytime at 7:00pm or 8:00pm at the trading room i am only looking for stuff hard to find