Hat starts with h. Horse starts with h.
Honica starts with a H
The country of Haiti starts with H. Also Honduras.
a job that starts with an h is...... a hatchery, haberdasher, and a Haulier
A US state that starts with the letter "H" is Hawaii.
Helping a neighbor is a reason for being late. Husband is ill would be a reason for being late.
I guess scientists figured that, since the word, "hydrogen" starts with an "H", why not use it?
Hat starts with h. Horse starts with h.
Apathetic is a synonym for lazy. It begins with the letter a.
Honica starts with a H
when you're sick
The country of Haiti starts with H. Also Honduras.
Handiman nailed the front door shut. Henry the cat pooed in my shoe.
a job that starts with an h is...... a hatchery, haberdasher, and a Haulier
A US state that starts with the letter "H" is Hawaii.