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Q: A musical that starts with s?
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Which musical instruments starts with letter s?

Saxophone, sitar, sousaphone etc.

What musical group starts with the letter U?

musical group(s) beginning with U: * Uncle CrackerU2!ugly kid joe

What is a mucical instrument that starts with letter s?

Saxophone, spoons and steel drum are musical instruments. They begin with the letter s.

When you are singing what is the musical term for starting off beat and it starts with an s?

You are probably thinking of "syncopation".

What musical instrument that starts with an s?

Saxophone, Shawm (another word for an oboe), Steel Drum, and a Snare Drum.

What musical equipment starts with r and ends with er?

Recorder is a musical instrument. It starts with r and ends with er.

What is a musical word that starts with a N?

note, like a musical note