

Best Answer

The most valuable thing for you in this moment, a map of the cave:

Syaoran from Portugal ;D

Go to: I have just used it to get back out of Wayward cave and am now using it to get Earthquake in the secret entrance

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Q: A map of the wayward cave on Pokemon diamond?
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Where can i get a map of wayward cave Pokemon diamond?

There is a map from this link Hope i helped : )

FireRed wayward cave map?

there is no wayward cave in fire red . maybe youre thinking of some other cave

How come turn back cave isn't in your map in Pokemon diamond?

I don't think Turnback Cave is assessable on diamond.

How do you get through the cave to get to the Pokemon league on diamond?

It's hard but go to and they may have a map

Is wayward cave the cave of doubts?

yes. I found on a website it said wayward cave is the cave of doubts and i used the map and I found my way out. Go to It says cave of doubts but it's wayward cave. hope this helps :) (I asked the question then i figured it out so i answered it!!)

Is there a map for Turnback cave map Pokemon diamond?

Follow the directions in these pictures: it worked for me in the diamond and pearl games and even in platinum. Good Luck ;)

Where is the turn back cave on Pokemon diamond?

you have to look on the map, and near the valor lake there is an empty square, you should find it there.

Can you have a map of the Pokemon league cave in Pokemon diamond?

yo, that's NT a chalenge! u just surf right of NEW BARK TOWN and look at your pokegear map card. U hav 2 get the map card from the old man in CHERRYGROOVE city first.

Which map is ember cave in Pokemon lake?

it is map 12

Is there another map on Pokemon Diamond?

NO THERE is no second map in diamond and pearl.(that includes platnium).

How do you catch a mesprit that is not in its cave in Pokemon diamond?

you need the marking map on your poketech and the you go between sangem town and route 219 until he will be down in the marking map and then go into the sea there

How do you mark Pokemon on the map on Pokemon Diamond?

On the marking map you can't mark Pokemon but if a Pokemon is roaming it will be represented by a Pokemon face.