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Q: A fruit beginning with e
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A fruit of vegetable beginning with e?


Are there any fruit or vegetables beginning with e?


Is there a Fruit and Vegetable beginning with e?

eggplant and endive

Fruits with letter e at the beginning?

You can use eggplant as a fruit. It begins with the letter E.

Is there a fruit beginning with PA?

A fruit beginning with PA is papaya.

What is a purple fruit beginning with e?

eggplant Elderberries are tiny, spherical, juicy, purple-black to black.

Is there a fruit beginning with you?

Ugli fruit

Can you name a fruit beginning with v?

A fruit beginning with a v is vanilla

Is there a fruit beginning with the letter U?

Uvilla is a fruit. Ugli fruit is a type of fruit.

Fruit or vev beginning with q?

quince (fruit)

Is there a fruit or fruit variety beginning with the letter Q?


A fruit or vegetable beginning in h?

Honeydew melon is a fruit. Hubbard squash is a fruit.