In my opinion the "feistiest" hoenn starter Pokemon would be mudkip. It's a Pokemon with lots of hit points and won't go down without a fight. It's Water and Ground type combination work for a sturdy partner with only a weakness to grass type Pokemon
Piplup is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl. you can get him early in the game as your starter Pokemon.
what starter? you already get a starter after you beated red.-_-
You cannot get Mewtwo as a starter Pokemon. The only starter Pokemon available are Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. There is no other way to get another starter Pokemon. Mewtwo can only be obtained at the end of the game.
You can't catch a starter Pokemon. But to get all of the starters you can trade the Pokemon to another game and restart the game you were playing and get a different starter.
Suicune is not a possible starter Pokemon in emerald you must get a suicune from Pokemon firered or leafgreen.
It is Torchic
Mudkip or torchic definitely.
It's Treecko.
you can get a hoenn starter Pokemon from Saffron City the Silph Co. place. You can only get 1 after u beat red and get the kanto starter Pokemon from proffeser Oak.
Im not sure so take one,look at its nature.If it is not feisty,turn your game off then do it again.
His starter pokemon is Pikachu.
Piplup is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl. you can get him early in the game as your starter Pokemon.