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People drink Lipton Tea. People drink liquor. People drink latte.

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Q: A drink starting with letter l?
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Drink starting with the letter L?

Lager, lemonade, lime, lucozade.

A drink starting with the letter L?

lift plus lemonade lime juice

What is a name of drink starting with the letter L?

Lemonade. Lipton Tea. Lemonade. Lipton Tea.

What is the longest letter starting with L?

There are only two letters starting with L that I can think of; the Letter of the alphabet, which is "L" and the Word "Letter." As "Letter" is longer than "L" I can only assume that the word "Letter" is the longest letter starting with L. lymphoblastic leukemia

Insults beginning with the letter l?

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What is a beverage starting with the letter L?

A beverage starting with l is lemontea or lemonade

A drink starting with the letter D?

Daiquiri is a drink. Dr. Pepper is a drink.

What actions start with the letter l?

Actions starting with the letter L include:lacelacinglanguishlanguishinglaughlaughingleapleapingleaveleavinglistenlisteninglightloadloadinglocatelocatinglooklookinglopelopinglooklookingloveloving

Word starting with letter L?

Words that start with the letter "L"LetterLaughLickLoudLimeLetLectureLiteratureLotLoveLegLocalLolipopLettuceLimpLampListListenLookLaughterLanturnLowLashLockLockerLocketLuteLimoLimboLiveLipLongLackLassoLuxuryLuxurious

What is a drink starting with the letter L?

lemonade limeadeLumberLa Drink

What is another word for generosity starting with letter L?

Liberalness is another word for generosity starting with the letter L.

6 letter words starting with a and ending with l?

Some six letter words starting with A and ending with L are:actualassailanimalartfularmfulannual