Some things (nouns) that start with letters A-Z are:angelapplebrushbuttercarcarpetdandeliondinosaureggeraserfarmflapgonggumhairpinhatiglooironjeweljumperkitchenkitelaundrylemonmelonmousenoisenoseoatoperapavementpineapplequartquarterroperosesandwichsirloin steaktelevisiontubukuleleumbrellavestvestibulewagonwristxenonx-rayyakyolkzipperzircon
A daisy, dance, decal and defect are things with five letters. A delay, diary, ditch and a drink are things with five letters.
A device that catches things is a spam.
Some things spelled with six letters that can be worn are:ankletChanel (No.5)fedoraglovesjacketski capslackst-shirttightstuxedoUndieszipper
they hide under the sand under the sea or fresh water im 12 and i enjoy catching things along the way when i first cought on i was fishing and i was 10 i love catching things i like catching crawdads or crawdads
Veterinarian, Zoo, animal catching.
A device for viewing microscopic things.
Thirst and thrill are things that start with the letters th. Thief and thumb are things that start with the letters th.
A seven segment display is a device used to display numbers and letters on things such as alarm clocks. A 7 segment display is simply seven LED's packaged in a pattern that allows numbers and letters to be displayed by illuminating different sets of LED's.
leather.......langera (not spelled right...its underwear) leather.......langera (not spelled right...its underwear)
I haven't seen the new CD, but the first CD spelled things or people related to the song. Like "Should've Said No" spells SAM SAM SAM SAM... etc.
its spelled dye