the word you are looking for is "sexual" <3
Some five letter words that start with T and end with E are:tabletastetaupeteasetensetersethemetherethesethinethosethreethymetingetithetitletitretoiletortetracetradetribetricetripetritetrucetulletwine
'r' I guess.
Well, darling, the only word that fits your criteria is "enj." It's not exactly a word you'll find in the dictionary, but hey, you asked for a word that starts with 'e' and ends with 'j,' and I delivered.
seven letter words start with E and end with the letter A?
the word you are looking for is "sexual" <3
Some four letter words that start with E are:eachearneaseeasteasyechoecruedgeeditelseemitenvyepicetcheuroeveneverevilexamexit
Entropy is a synonym for chaos. It begins with the letter e.
Some nine letter words that start and end with the letter E are:economizeeffectiveeffluenceelaborateelectrodeeliminateeloquenceemergenceempathizeemphasizeenduranceentourageenunciateepitomizeequitableeradicateevaporateevocativeexcessiveexfoliateexquisite
Enemy is a war word. It begins with the letter e.
Some abstract nouns that start with E are:easeeducationelementeminenceemotionempireenigmaerrorexcellenceexcitementexcuseexercise
Easy, envy, ella, ect.