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pineapple P-I-N-E-A-P-P-L-E 9 letters

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Q: A 9 letter word that's a fruit and starts with a p?
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A 5 letter word that starts with an L is Lipid

5 letter name of a fruit that starts with L third letter L and fifth letter N?

There does not appear to be a fruit with a name fitting that description. Are you certain that the name you are seeking isn't "lemon" ? Lemon is a 5 letter name of a fruit that starts with "L" and ends ith "N" However the third letter is an "M" instead of an "L". Perhaps you are doing a crossword puzzle and have the third letter (word) incorrect in the crossword puzzle.

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Quince, a fruit.

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Candlepin is a 9 letter word for bowling that starts with can.

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A six letter word that starts with U is upward.

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There is only one word that starts with the letter E an and with a V. This word is elov.

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Cross word puzzle? Well... THATS REALLY HARD! if you're doing a puzzle whats the question??? sorry i cant help you its way too hard =(