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I've got one that is 12 letters:


Its definition is:

  1. (of a liquid) Giving off bubbles; fizzy.
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Q: A 16 letter word that means fizzing or bubbling?
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What is a word that ends in ing that means water?

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What is the definition of the word effervescence?

The word 'effervescence' is to express how gas escapes from water, and the bubbling, fizzing and foaming that may occur from this process as the gas escapes.

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The four letter word that means, "I forbid," is veto.veto

What is the meaning of the word fizzy?

The word fizzy means containing gas bubbles. Some synonyms of fizzy are sparkling, bubbly, bubbling, gassy, effervescent, spumante, carbonated and aerated.

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2 letter word that means us and starts with e?

The two-letter word that means "us" is "we."

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A six letter word that also means next to is beside

What means to argue about as a six letter word'?

A six letter word that means argue is bicker.

What is a five letter word that means fun?

5 letter word is "Enjoy" which means fund as well